Monday, December 13, 2010
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
My list of things I am, right at this moment, excited about
1.) Friday night
2.) Tomorrow night's dinner with D'Nell. It done be Melting Pot time again, Ya'll. Bring on the cheese.
3.) My new Christmas CD from Josh A.
4.) Almost being done with my Christmas shopping.
5.) John Shupe and his foot fungus.
Monday, December 6, 2010
My list of my favorite things about Burlesque

1.) Cher.
I mean, really. She was fantastic. And, we all know that I love me some Cher... but she was really great in this role. REALLY great. I loved her in the show.
2.) Jack
This guy. I could have spent a lot more of this show looking at this guy. For reals. He done be pretty... eyeliner and all. Don't believe me... lets just check out exhibit A.
or Exhibit B
I honestly have no idea who in the hell this guy is... but really? Good Lord. And yes, Jack, I am interested in that box of cookies.
3.) The Burlesque Lounge. Yes, I know the Burlesque could never really exist... but how cool would it be if it did. Fun Fun Fun!
4.) Christina.
Christina wasn't that bad. I was expecting a train wreck. I was pleasantly surprised.
5.) Stanley Tucci
Im pretty sure I am going to see any movie with this fella in it. I always love him. Always. He is great.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
My list of things I don't understand

1.) My love affair with Katy Perry that is happening right now.
Yes, I know... she was part of the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show and that helped... but I've been loving her for a while. I didn't so much with the first album... but this second time around. I am really loving it. Plus, in her new video for Firework, this happens:
and who doesn't love that. I would love to have fireworks shoot out of my chest... and just think of all the dates I would get. I don't get it... but I LOVE her right now.
2.) Why I have still yet to see Burlesque.
UUUUhhhhhhmmmm... I don't get it either. This weekend...this weekend it will happen. Don't hate me, Cher. Please!!!!!
3.) Men who stay home from work when their wives are sick. I don't get this. I just don't. I have been pretty sick before, but still able to function. Plus, when Im sick... Im not doing a whole hell of a lot... Im lying there... usually moan and sometimes vomiting. Do I need someone to stay home and help me with either one of those items. NO. I would not ever expect someone to stay home to take care of me... and yet, at least in my office, men stay home to take care of their sick wives all the time.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
A list of my favorite things about the season.
1.) The Victoria's Secret Fashion Show. I know, I know, I KNOW. But, I really do like it. In fact, I thought last nights fashion show was one of the better ones. The music was good. The set was great. The models all looked good. I just really really REALLY love the fashion show. And the 2 Million Dollar Bra was pretty.
2.) The holiday adds and such on TV. For what ever reason, I kind of like them. Maybe its just the reminder of Christmas. I"m always a bit sad come December 26th when you don't see those adds anymore.
3.) The fact that I can count on going to the Melting Pot with D'Nell for dinner. It seems to me that we save the Melting Pot as a special December treat. This year is no exception.
4.) Buying things for myself and claiming they are from the dog. What? I'm pretty sure Baxter wants me to have that vest.
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