Thursday, October 16, 2008

My favorite things for today
1.) Beautifully swollen muscles.

2.) Sticking to the life style change for one full year. Weight lost and stayed lost, work-out every day (mostly) and eat better!!!! I even made it through the mother of all darkness basically telling me that I need to quit working out because my priorities aren't in line. Really? My health and well-being should be second to work? hmmm... I hope she gains weight... I'm not bitter.

3.) Only two more Invisalign trays and then the process is over. Now on to teeth bleeching.

4.) This which was said in the locker room this morning. "It's Thursday? I've been thinking its Wednesday all day." This was said at 7:00 a.m. C'mon... Screw kids, it should be "Old people say the darnedest things."

5.) Jen... we'll probably have to stay friends for ever... she knows me too well.

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