1.) Read/continue reading The Meaning of Matthew by Judy Shepard. If you've not read this, or if you've not heard Judy speak, do your self and your soul a favor and do it...NOW. Never will you meet a woman who has every right to be angry, but turn that into a passion to make the world a better place. Read the book... go to her speaking events... you will be better for it.

2.) Bad things with him. When he walked in, the air went out. ... I don't know who he is, but I know before the night is through, I wanna do real bad things with [him].
3.)Finish up my week and a half long project. Its been long and awful and it will be over tonight...fingers crossed.
4.) Watch Dexter... again. I'll not lie. I was really disappointed in season 3... but season 4 started last night and I was chilled like I was during the first season. Uggg... last nights episode kept me awake last night.
5.) Have it be 26 days from today.