Monday, September 28, 2009

My list of things I wanna do today.

1.) Read/continue reading The Meaning of Matthew by Judy Shepard. If you've not read this, or if you've not heard Judy speak, do your self and your soul a favor and do it...NOW. Never will you meet a woman who has every right to be angry, but turn that into a passion to make the world a better place. Read the book... go to her speaking events... you will be better for it.

2.) Bad things with him. When he walked in, the air went out. ... I don't know who he is, but I know before the night is through, I wanna do real bad things with [him].

3.)Finish up my week and a half long project. Its been long and awful and it will be over tonight...fingers crossed.

4.) Watch Dexter... again. I'll not lie. I was really disappointed in season 3... but season 4 started last night and I was chilled like I was during the first season. Uggg... last nights episode kept me awake last night.

5.) Have it be 26 days from today.

Friday, September 25, 2009

My list of things I like to do

1.) Shun people. Once shunned, I have every right to ignore them. Where as, before, I just ignored them because I'm generally a straigh up A-hole... once shunned, I am within my rights. Thank you, shunning, THANK YOU!!

2.) Walk on the municipal pier in San Francisco. If you haven't done it, do it. A majestic view of the city is provided.

3.) Go to Market Street for dinner. Which I am doing to night. Yummmmm.

4.) See the mummy dance. Oh my dear mummy... Dance for me Dammit.

5.) Watch Glee. I didn't comment on this weeks episode, but it was fantastic. LOVED IT.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

My list of things I enjoyed today

1.) Sushi dinner with my dad.

2.) Spending the day with Kate.

3.) Feeling like a valued employee

4.) Trash talking everybody to tried to kick the goal... whether they made it or not.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

My list of simple requests

1.) Guy at the gym... wear underwear. I'm not gonna judge if you wanna spend some time checking out the ladies who are working out. I, myself, have been known to check out the guys who are working out. But, please make the choice to wear some kind of underwear... a brief, boxer... a boxer brief even. Underwear keeps everything all nice and snug in one place and goes a LONG way to hiding that reaction you are having to checking out the ladies. So... long story short... go get yourself some Hanes.

2.) Step instructor... lay off the heavy weights. I'm not kidding. If you ask that I pick up the heavy weights one more time, I will hit you with them. I'm not kidding... I'll hit ya.

3.) Express... stop sending me emails. Especially emails that say something to the effect of 'Spend $50.00 to reach the next gift level." I view this as a challenge... like you are daring me to spend that much. And we all know how much I feed the monkey... the monkey starts a'screamin' for food and I just gotta. I can't help myself.

4.) Prospective new boss... hire me right now. This is just an open request to anybody who would be interested in hiring me... and paying me lots of money.

5.) Facebook farmers... stop sending me things. I have no more room. I'm done full up on trees and sheep and pigs and horses and ducks and artichokes. I can't handle any more on my farm... until I can get a bigger farm... but I don't know how to do that... so I'm stuck with the small farm. Oh, and stop asking me to send you things when you've sent me something. In that case its not a gift anymore... its a trade...and I don't believe in trades.

Monday, September 21, 2009

My list of things I just don't wanna do.

1.) Ever see Snooty and the Beast again. I took the sibs to see this mess at Desert Star Playhouse. First, what an incredibly mormon thing for me to do. Second, it just sucked. Plain old sucked. And it seemed to me that the players knew it sucked. They just appeared kind of bored and embarrassed the whole time. Plus it was just a confusing mess. Start to finish. A director and some kind of logical plot could have helped. Oh, and up to date jokes would have been nice.

2.) Update my resume. This is a terrible process and I hate it.

3.) Work. I am having the hardest time getting the motivation to work... on ANYTHING. Even getting this list ready was hard.

4.) Worry about the status of my application anymore. I forget what a miserable process job hunting/applying actually is. I don't like it and I just want it to be over. I try not to dwell on it... but its a pain in the ass sometimes.

5.) Any more laundry. Seriously chick-a-dees. Yesterday was laundry day and you wouldn't think I would have that much... but you would be wrong. All day long with the laundry. But it was all day long with my two... correction three favorite things. Sam and Dean Winchester and Lee Adama. Yumm.

Friday, September 18, 2009

My list of things I am looking forward to enjoying this weekend.

1.) The Utah State Fair. I love the fair.... Love it. But, I haven't gone yet. Normally, I go all the damn time... but not this year for some odd reason. Nothing makes me feel better then looking around at your typical fair-goer and knowing how much better I am then them. I can't wait for this boost of self esteem.

2.) Eating Fair Food. Do it... I dare you. Throw caution to the wind and eat that deep fried something. They aren't sure its food... they aren't sure how it got into the boiling fat... but damn it all.... they are going to serve it up and you are going to eat it.

3.) Going to Desert Star with my sibs. I just hope the show is funny. If not... then this will be suckage.

4.) Not having a cardio class tonight. Seriously, four in one week. WTF was I thinking. It gonna kill me.

5.) Sleeping in tomorrow.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

My list of choices

1.) Butterfly farm and shopping OR leisurely day at the beach. Tough decision as both kind of sound fun.

2.) Tell her OR not tell her. An ethical dilemma if I have ever faced one. I've been honest up until now. Does it appear that I am not being honest if I don't tell her the update.

3.) Go to step class OR go home. I don't know why I am torturing myself with four cardio classes a week. UGGGG... it done be hard. And step is the worst.

4.) Develop my training lesson plan OR study up for my certification. I don't really wanna do either. The third option is surf the web.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

My list of things that I am tired of

1.) The way my knee feels right now after I whapped it on a weight plate at the gym this morning. It done hurts, bad, chick-a-dees. BAD... and I have step class tonight. We are going to see how this goes.

2.) Having a computer that just randomly decides to work at glacial speed. Its like my computer just decides that its had enough "processing" and now it just wants to take it easy. Uggggg... chick-a-dees... UGGGGGG!

3.) The Rollercoaster that is my life lately. I feel like my life is this:

a completely knotted mess and who really knows what way is up. I try, except for one dark moment in my past, to run from all drama. I abhor it... but right now... I kinda feel smack in the middle of it. I don't like it so much.

4.) Waiting for my cruise. Waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting... there is a certain amount of boredom that is built into waiting... waiting... waiting.

5.) Anything and EVERYTHING Taylor Swift. This girl needs to SIT down and shut her off key mouth.

Monday, September 14, 2009

My of things I don't understand.

1.) Why - o - why don't the radio stations play Single Ladies by Beyonce any more. I can't explain why, but this song ALWAYS makes me happy. Do the dance, Marc... Do it.

2.) Why - o - why did they wait until the third week of school to begin construction on Foothill Blvd? They had all summer... and yet they start now.

3.) Why - o - why do people create drama for themselves? I know, I know, sometimes its necessary... but I live in a state that abhors drama... and when there is drama i have a mini come apart.

4.) Why - o - why don't people see the world the way I do? T'would be sooooo much easier and drama free... plus everybody would think that I am HOT.

Friday, September 11, 2009

My list of things I want to say to her.

1.) I'm sad too, because if I leave it wont be the same.

2.) Who knows what the future holds... and this may turn out to be nothing.

3.) If it turns out to be something, please be happy for me.

4.) You are important to me and so is our relationship. If I leave, I'll maintain it, if you will.

5.) I love you.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

My list of things that I have discovered.

1.) Being in an almost constant state of hating your job for the past two years really begins to wear on a girl. I'm not kidding you, chick-a-dees... I am in a funk and it aint going no where.

2.) Glee is probably the funniest show I have seen in a long time. Seriously, kiddos, are you watching this? I just happened to discover it last night when I was to lazy to change the channel after my favorite dance show and I discovered Glee. Oh my shit... I thought this was a riot. Completely hi-larious and slightly inappropriate. Loves it! Start watching it... NOW!

3.) My Zumba teacher is sexy. Long legs, a full range of motion in those hips and core strength that doesn't quit... she done be SEXY ya'll. WHOA!!!

4.) Step Class is hard. Seriously... HARD. You would think, if you were just watching a step class, that it doesn't look so hard. You would be wrong. Its HARD!!!!

5.) I really don't like being tired all the time. Damn cardio.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

My list of things I am dreading right now

1.) My cardio class tonight. The one yesterday kicked my ass... the one tonight probably wont be much better.

2.) Setting up for my training tomorrow which will take approximately 2 hours. Yuck... and even yuckier.

3.) Sitting at work tonight until 5. I'll probably leave early. Nobody will notice... and it will make me feel better.

4.) Waiting for SYTYCD to start. I really enjoyed this show and I'm excited for it to start up again... I just dont want to wait for it. Hopefully, there will be another two or three good bodies to look at.

5.) Waiting 45 more days until October 24th.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

My list of things that are great

1.) Finally being able to watch the first episode of season four of Supernatural. This was fantastic as I have been missing the Winchesters. Plus, angels and deamons... this season is gonna be super cool... I can feel it.

2.) Not having any ice cream at the ice cream party. I done be proud of myself ya'll.

3.) Going home now. I sorry for the lateness of the list ya'll.

4.) My Kenneth Cole hat. Its super on the sexy.... SUPER on the SEXY!!!