Tuesday, February 2, 2010

My list of 10 things for which I am grateful

1.) The fest of hotness that was at the gym this morning. Workouts are always better when I have something upon which to gaze.

2.) Baxter getting a clean bill of health. I'm always worried that he is sick. Oh the joys of getting a broken dog.

3.) Bad Romance by Lady Gaga. What can I say... its our song.

4.) Podcasts from Margaret Ruth. I feel better when I listen to them... and I feel some how more psychic then before.

5.) The premier of Lost. Although, I'll be watchin' the Idol and then the biggest loser... Lost will be recorded and watched tomorrow. I don't even know, though, what the F is going on. But... its Lost... knowing what is going on isn't really necessary.

6.) Wicked in San Francisco. That is good memories.

7.) My band of silver and that which it represents.

8.) That I can solve a rubics cube. Check one thing off my list.

9.) My pecs. I tried... I really tried to leave them off the list... but I just like how they look and feel lately. Yes, they could be bigger... but I'm pretty proud of the girls right now.

10.) My Ipod for saving me a lot of frustration.

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