Friday, May 28, 2010

A list of my favorite things about my co-workers

1.) Nicole makes me laugh. I've said it before, I'ma say it now. Nicole makes me laugh. You think, when you first meet her, "Oh, total bitch-face." Upon further interaction you uncover that Nicole is damn funny. DAMN Funny.

2.) Michael... oh Michael. Besides making me feel all a-flutter... Michael really has become the heart of this team. We all rely on Michael to keep us going... plus... things like "The Square Room" incident... keep in iteresting.

3.) Kate. My favorite thing about Kate is that she is Kate. In all her messes, failures, successes, inappropriate comments, fashion yes's and NOs... she is Kate. She doesn't apologize she is just Kate.

4.) The dynamic the four of us have. We are quite the four and I don't evny anybody on the outside. We have a thing... and it works for us. This is probably the best team I have worked on for a long time. I can really say that these people are the best friends I have.

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