Tuesday, August 31, 2010

My list of things I need to do 

1.) Friend dump someone. I have a person in my life... well, now that I think about it, several people in my life that I no longer want in my life. I need to figure out a way to dump them. I really am no longer interested in having any form of communication with these people... PERIOD!! But, I am guilt ridden and I don't want to make them feel bad. Why, you may ask, am I taking ownership of their feelings? The easy answer is I don't know. And yet. Anywho, any suggestions??

2.) Visit the chocolate shop.

3.) Study for my class this afternoon. I really don't want to study. AT ALL. And yet, given the train wreck that was yesterday's class.... I best study. And yet... Oohhhh... shiny thing.

4.) Watch an episode or two of Archer or maybe the ten I still need to watch. I have a feeling there might be a quiz or two coming up and I don't want to fail. I really want to pass. 

Monday, August 30, 2010

My list of things about AVATAR

1.) It was pretty. I'll give it that... the movie was pretty.

2.) Unobtainium???? Come on James Cameron. Give your audience some credit.

3.) Why-o-why was the robot outfitted with a robot sized machette?

4.) If they have sex with their hair, how do they use condoms? Thanks Eric. Also, they used that same thing to tap into the animal... ICCKY.

5.) Sigourney Weaver was cool. It was nice to see her again.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

My list of things I hate


Crock pots. One meaning... but tied to two different reasons why I hate crock pots. What ever you put in those things just stews there... all day... until you open it up and hope that it doesn't poison you. They just seem like a breeding ground for poisonous gas and/or food borne pathogens.

2.) The word 'Veggie'. I am comfortable saying I hate the word 'Veggie'. A close friend of mine recently told me that he finds it cute and endearing when I get caught up in the minutiae. I politely informed him that my seething hatred for all things Taylor Swift should not be called 'Minutae'. I bring this up, because my hatred of the word 'Veggie' should, also, not be categorized as minutiae.

3.) Pressing linen pants.

4.) Stumbling across an old forgotten about pic on my old cell phone... and having a total melt down.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

My list of questions

1.) What the bloody hell was that? This is in regards to the movie "Inception". I went to see this movie last weekend and Im still not entirely sure I got it. There were some dreams happening, there was Juno, there was some cool zero gravity fighting, there was super cute this fella

but mostly, there was just a whole hell of a lot of confusion.

2.) Did I knowingly, and willingly, pay to go see a Leonardo DiCrapio movie? Did I really?

3.) Will I actually see it this time? You may or may not be aware but AVATAR is being rereleased. I am going to go see it. I AM. I promise. I'm doing it.

4.) Wanna start some form of office poll slasha place bets on the changes that I will actually see AVATAR?

Monday, August 23, 2010

My list of things that made me feel successful today.

1.) 30 Pull-ups.

2.) 50 Push-ups.

3.) 50 Straight leg dead lifts.

4.) 50 Windmill/Ab Crunches

5.) 50 Box Jumps

Friday, August 20, 2010

My list of good things


Are you kidding me????????

Thursday, August 19, 2010

My list of good things that happened today

1.) The class went better than expected. Don't get me wrong, the class was a complete El-Nightmare-o, but it actaully went better than I thought. Michael handled it with ease. I would have broken down crying.

2.) I got a new song for the playlist. It done be a good one ya'll.

3.) Finding out I can wear jeans to work tomorrow. I don't know if the person who told me I can wear jeans has the right to approve this for me... but I'm doing it anyway.

4.) Nikki found herself a man. Sure, he was a 24 year old BYU grad. Sure he was a complete doucher. Sure, he looked like a return missionairy in his white button up shirt and ugly tie. Sure, he is a fan of that hot tranny mess known as Taylor Swift (he clicked 'Like' on Taylor Facebook page). He does have some glaring red flags. But, Nikki is a 30 year old spinster now. She doesn't have time to be choosey. Go get him, Nikki, Go Get HIM. Im serious... he might be your only option left.

Monday, August 16, 2010

A list of my favorite things.

1.) The final episode of BattleStar Galactica. I know, I know... you are all probably tired of hearing about this show. But, that is only because you didn't watch it. Had you watched the show, you would realize how wonderful it is. And, I watched the final episode yesterday and I was a MESS. About 15 minutes in to the episode I started crying... and I didn't stop crying for the remaining 90 minutes. It really was some great TV. I've been thinking a lot on it. A LOT. 

2.) The President and the Admiral.

I know I am a softie at heart... but the story of these two was wonderful for me. It was soft and subtle (usually) and I loved it.

3.) This Fella

Lee Adama... or Jamie Bamber... you make me go weak!!!!

4.) This lady

I did love the sixes... in all her many forms.

5.) Weeds season six starting tonight.

Friday, August 13, 2010

My list of things you should not do with me.

1.) Get me drunk on Tequilla. It is not pretty. DO NOT do it. 

2.) Speak to me while I am reading. I've mentioned this before. But now that I have a Nook in my hands, people think its Ok to strike up a conversation about the nook. NOPE. Still not Ok. I am still reading. DO NOT speak to me if I am reading. Don't!

3.) Beller at me from across a parking lot and expect me to answer.

4.) Ride The Tower of Terror with me. Unless you are prepared to hear a string of profanity that would make a sailor blush... do not ride Tower of Terror with me. Just don't.


Dear friends, family, colleagues, frenemies, assholes, and slow walkers-

Somewhere in the Bible (past the part forbidding the mixing of different textiles) the Baby Jebus/John Lennon decrees "There is a season turn, turn, turn..."  and then proceeds to list several things that come in and out of season.  Here is the list (roughly paraphrased):

1.  A time to be born, a time to die
2.  A time to sow, a time to reap
3.  A time to laugh, a time to weep
4.  A time to botox, a time to age gracefully
5.  A time to stroll leisurely across the street, a time to hurry the fuck up
6.  A time for big hair, a time for small hair
7.  A time to chat, a time to leave me the HELL alone.

For today's scripture study, I would like to focus on item #7 because several of you seem to be struggling with it. If I answer your call, your IM, your text message, your telegraph, or your carrier pigeon (or if I initiate any of said communiques) it means it is time to chat.  ON THE OTHER HAND, if I ignore you, I am not playing hard to get and encouraging you to try harder.  I need you to STFU and, as our Lord put it, leave me the HELL alone!!!

Don't take it personally.  It's me, not you.  I am probably manstrating and really it's for your own good.  But just to make it clear, leave me a message and MOVE ON.  It's the fucking Information Age and I will get back to you when I am in a better emotional place.  Your repeated efforts to unsuccessfully contact me but successfully irritate me will not speed that process.

Thanks very much-

P.S.  People who walk slowly through the crosswalk while I am making a left turn, please see #5.  Old people who drive in my blind spot, please see #1 having clearly failed #4.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

My list of things the suprised me today

1.) My job totally changing. I really don't know what is going on with it right now. I really have no idea. Its frustrating.

2.) A found camera cord and all that came with it.

3.) Stella. I guess I wasn't so surprised. D'Nell and I have had good luck this whole year of newness. Stella didn't let down.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

My list of things I'm going to miss

1.) Her nonsense and foolishness.

2.) Stealing cokes.

3.) All the things we did... just for funsies.

4.) A standing lunch date.

5.) A song to greet me each morning.

Monday, August 9, 2010

My list of good things that happened this weekend.

1.) Getting completely smashed on Friday night. A bottle of Pinot Grigio later and this girl was tanked. I'm pretty sure a series of bad things happened in my drunken state. I may hang my head in shame and embarrassment. And why do I hang my head... why did bad things happen? Because I had no gummi bears around to protect me.

2.) My lunch with Marc. Marc-y always makes me feel better. Always! He done be my bestie ya'll.

3.) Making, finally, a decision to take action. And, I'm surprisingly not freaked out about it. 

4.) Hanging out, for a bit, with my family. The swim party was fun. I looked good. I left.

5.) Finally raising the Squidgy.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

My list of locker room no-nos.

1.) Putting your gym bag in front of my locker. Actually, putting your gym back in front of any locker that isn't yours. There is a rather large dressing room outside of the showers. I'm all good if you don't want to rent a locker. Go for it. But STOP depositing your shit in front of my locker. Now, I have to move it. And believe me, I'm getting less and less nice when I have to move your stuff. People use the lockers don't block them with your shit.

2.) Putting your gym bag, or other paraphernalia, on the stool(s). Those stools are provided for folks to sit on when they are done with their work out and are trying to undress. It is not a table. STOP using it as such. Seriously. You can see me balancing on one foot, trying to take my shoes off with out falling over and you keep your bag there. You inconsiderate A-HOLE. 

3.) Sing or whistling. Any kind of musical activity does not belong in the locker room. For reals, I don't want to hear it. And, its kind of creepy. And by 'kind of', I mean totally. Stop doing it.

4.) Walking from the shower to your locker without toweling off. WTF? Would you do this at your house? Roam around, dripping wet, completely nude? I think you probably wouldn't. So, just because somebody else must come in and mop up after your dumb ass, it is ok to do this? REALLY? Or, are you just that stupid?

5.) Trying to engage me in conversation. We all know, I do not engage in conversations in the mens room. I find it skeevy. Guess what, there are toilets just down the way in this locker room so this now counts as a mens room. I don't want to talk. Also, I am naked (or close to it) and you are naked (or close to it) and I have no... NO desire to speak. NONE. Don't try to talk to me.

Monday, August 2, 2010

My list of things I care about.

1.) My playlist. I have a playlist, chick-a-dees. A song gets added to it everyday. They are good songs. They make my day better. I look forward tomorrow's song... and the next day's.


This ship. This ship is falling apart and I'm having a hard time with that. Its interesting, though, how the ship is a metaphor for the show and what is happening on it. It was a good series, ya'll. I'm excited for the wrap-up... but SAD. The bright side is, no more BSG posts, I guess.

3.) The fact that my dog does not have an ear infection. Good news, ya'll... but he did have a whole mess of earwax down there. Who knew, dogs get ear wax? Ick.

4.) Nationwide Wi-Fi, apparently.

5.) Telling Michael how happy I am that he is back.