Monday, August 2, 2010

My list of things I care about.

1.) My playlist. I have a playlist, chick-a-dees. A song gets added to it everyday. They are good songs. They make my day better. I look forward tomorrow's song... and the next day's.


This ship. This ship is falling apart and I'm having a hard time with that. Its interesting, though, how the ship is a metaphor for the show and what is happening on it. It was a good series, ya'll. I'm excited for the wrap-up... but SAD. The bright side is, no more BSG posts, I guess.

3.) The fact that my dog does not have an ear infection. Good news, ya'll... but he did have a whole mess of earwax down there. Who knew, dogs get ear wax? Ick.

4.) Nationwide Wi-Fi, apparently.

5.) Telling Michael how happy I am that he is back.

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