Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The experiment and the rules.

I am going to go on 100 dates. I guess I am doing this not so much to meet someone, but just learn more about myself. Ha. I will blog about each of the dates... all 100 of them. I am in no rush to meet my enternal companion. I am in a rush to meet new people and have my life enriched by knowing them.

The rules are this:

1.) I will, using various online applications (Grindr, and OkCupid), talk to anyone that talks to me or responds to me. ANYONE!! I will also go out with anyone that asks, or agrees to go out.

2.) The dates will be dutch, unless agreed upon before hand.

3.) The dates will always be a public place.

I'm going to blog about each of these experiences. Hold on tight, kids. Its going to be a bumpy ride.


Welcome to my World. said...

Yay!! I am so excited. Will you go out with me??

Josh said...

Sorry. 100 dates with new people. I guess I have technically already been out on a date with you. You don't count. But, if you just want to hang out...let me know.