Tuesday, February 28, 2012

My list of things I have no sympathy for.

1.) Telling me you were arrested, but that you didnt think anything was wrong with selling those purses out of your trunk.  Really? REALLY?

2.) Telling me your heart can't take one more one night stand. There is a really easy way to not have another one night stand... bet you can guess what it is.

3.) Your money problems.  You refuse to get a real job because you must pursue your dream.  Well, chase it all you want, don't ask to borrow money from me.

4.) The state of your life.  Its time to grow up and be a big boy. Stop with the excuses.  Grow up. Live a life. 

Monday, February 27, 2012

My list of people I want to be.

1.) Meryl Streep from The Devil Wears Prada. I really want to be able to pull of all that attitude. 

2. Regina George

3.) Kinsey

4.) Someone who really and truely doesn't care.

5.) Someone who cares with everything they have.

Friday, February 24, 2012

My list of things that are annoying me right now.

1.) The network at work that plays havoc on my iPhone.

2.) Idiots who do not brew more coffee when they drink the last of it at 10 am.

3.) This odd mass amount of work I have to do and having no idea where to start.

4.)Pin trading withdrawls.

5.) Some idiot who is selling something online. Something that I want. And he is selling it for a RIDICULOUSLY outrageous price.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

My list of things I am not ashamed to admit.

1.) I'm a Disney Pin trading nerd. The habit started ten or so years ago.  Now, I can't get enough.

2.) I love the Vampire Diaries.  I mean who wouldn't love looking at this

or this

or this

Hell, even the girl is pretty

It also doesn't hurt that I find the story pretty good too.

3.) I enjoy comic books enough to call them comic books, not graphic novels.
My list of things I learned today.

1.) Stella the Cat plays fetch.

2.) Mimi likes me enough to break her own rules.

3.)  I was dressed like I was ready to go to the rodeo.

Monday, February 20, 2012

My list of things Carolyn, the Brain Witch (Therapist) has said to me.

1.) "You life would be so much easier if you didn't mind-fuck everything into next Tuesday."

2.) "Jesus Christ, you can be such an asshole sometimes." This one was said while she buried her head in her hands.

3.) "You are behaving like all other narcissist behave, as a bottomless pit of self loathing."

4.)"Well, you don't have all of the qualities of someone with borderline personality disorder." I guess this means I have some of them.

5.) "You do surprisingly well in life for someone with a complete lack of empathy."