Thursday, September 11, 2008

Things I have been asked to leave off future lists:

1.) Items dealing with how great I am. For example, listing when I look really good (today, for example) or listing parts of my body that look really good (my pecs in this shirt or my hair today) or how funny I am (which I am). Rest assured, kindly readers, if I talk about me and how great I am (because I LOVE me), please don't think that I think I am better then you. I don't think that at all.

2.) Listing items dealing with the gym/locker room. I don't understand this at all. All of my gym/locker room stories are applicable because they allow me an avenue to discuss:a.) How great I am/lookb.) Funny stories which I relate hi-lariously.Granted, gym/locker room stories are becoming more prevalent on the list, but its my list. Deal wit' it, bitches!!!

3.) Inside jokes/stories. I realize that some list items are sometimes a bit inside. But, I do try to have inside stories that pertain to each one of my 'A' listers. If you don't like it, let me know and I will happily move you to the 'X' list.

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