My list of telephone rules.
These are the rules that I play by when it comes to the phone, ya'll. I don't care if you play by them, but this is what to expect from me. Oh... and yes, I do care if you play by them... in fact, when dealing with me on the phone start playing by these rules.1.) If I have called you and you have not answered and I do NOT leave a message, I am not expecting, nor do I want you to call me back.
Seriously, if I wanted to talk to you, I would have told you to CALL ME. If I don't say CALL ME, I was just calling to chat, its not important and DONT CALL ME BACK. Seriously, don't you have anything better to do then look at your caller ID and return calls. STOP IT.2.) If I have called you and you have not answered and I have left a message, but in the message I did NOT say "Call Me", then I have said what I've needed to say and I do not expect a call back.
If you call back, its not going to piss me off, like breaking rule #1 will, but just know I've said all I need to say, in the message.3.) If I have called you and you have not answered and I have left a message saying "Call Me", I will also have left some kind of call to action in the message. I expect said call to action to be completed before you call me back. Included in this, is that I expect you to listen to my message before you call me back.
Calling me back and saying "I saw that you called but I haven't listened to your message." is just as bad as breaking rule #1. STOP IT.4.) If you have called me and I have not answered and you do NOT leave a message asking for me to call you back, I will NOT call you back.
Do not expect me to look at my caller ID and return calls. I DONT... so don't expect it.5.) If you have called me and I have not answered and you leave a message that only says "Call Me" without some form of call to action, I will assume you just want to chat. If I assume you just want to chat, I will call you back when I feel like it.
If you need/expect me to call you back sooner then when I want to, then the burden of proof is on you to explain to me why I need to call you back.