Things that are starting my day off right.
1.) Seeing a speciman of lovely changing in front of me at the gym this morning. He was big, he was round, he was gorgeous, he wasn't me (weird, talking about how great somebody else is on my blog??), he was lovely. Seriously, ya'll... I can't describe how pretty he was. He had the nice rounded, almost puffy muscle with out being all hard packed and chisled. Nice flat tummy, nice pits... the whole package.
2.) Being able to sleep in until 6:00. I've forgotten the simple joys that come with sleeping in. How fantastic is it to sleep in a bit.
3.) My BFF at work, Mike, who was super nice to listen to me talk about item #1 on the list... even though he might have been uncomfortable. But it was still cool of him. Thanks Mike!!! I had to tell somebody.
4.) 'Merican Idol starting tonight. Now, hear me out folks. I don't necessarily enjoy the show in and of itself... but I watch it with my sister, Robyn. And we have fun. Granted, it is a Gi-norm-o pain in my ass to go to Rich and Sharon's every Tuesday and Wednesday... but haning out with Robyn makes it worth it.
5.) Item number one. I'm not kidding, ya'll... it was lovely!!!
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