Right at this moment, I am:
1.) Excited for Family Home Evening tomorrow.
2.) Playing with a silver frog that I got as a gift from an old boss of mine. I don't know why she brought me back a frog, but she did. Its cute and it follows me around.
3.) Thinking about the possibilities of excellence a certain individuals position could be, if she no longer was doing it, and I was.
4.) Dreading the idea of doing any work today.
5.) Dreading the idea of "looking busy" today.
Friday, February 27, 2009
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Things to be happy about:
1.) Mr. Lucky by Chris Isaak. I received the CD in the mail last night and he done layed it down ya'll. The new CD is off the chain. Sure, there was a terrific wait... but it was worth it.
2.) Dolores Claiborne by Stephen King. An interesting read, with a pretty heavy subject, but I'll be damned if I'm not loving it. Don't start reading it, unless you have 5 -6 hours to finish it in one sitting.
3.) The United States of Tara on Showtime. If ya'll don't have Showtime, you should be getting it. Dexter, Weeds, The Tudors and now The United States of Tara...This is a great show. You should be watching it. Watch it now!!!!
4.) Hearing about Marmee's complete inability to be a team player, or excersize a bit of common sense.
1.) Mr. Lucky by Chris Isaak. I received the CD in the mail last night and he done layed it down ya'll. The new CD is off the chain. Sure, there was a terrific wait... but it was worth it.
2.) Dolores Claiborne by Stephen King. An interesting read, with a pretty heavy subject, but I'll be damned if I'm not loving it. Don't start reading it, unless you have 5 -6 hours to finish it in one sitting.
3.) The United States of Tara on Showtime. If ya'll don't have Showtime, you should be getting it. Dexter, Weeds, The Tudors and now The United States of Tara...This is a great show. You should be watching it. Watch it now!!!!
4.) Hearing about Marmee's complete inability to be a team player, or excersize a bit of common sense.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
My list of great things
1.) Watching this crazy mess
lose on American Idol last night. That was fantastic. Sorry hunny, go sell crazy somewhere else. We're all stocked up here. Interesting side note, I don't know why I chose this Porn Face picture as the one to post.
2.) Seeing this cutie
make it to the top 12 . Interesting side note... I own that shirt. It looks better on me.
3.) Ya'll... or maybe most of ya'll know there is an 'X' list and you don't want to get on it. Well, I decided that there is now an X-2 (X squared) list and that list is doubly worse then the 'X' list. Interesting side note, I moved somebody to the X-2 list yesterday. It felt great.
4.) Being happy that somebody has a boyfriend is hard... Being happy knowing that now that somebody has a boyfriend they will gain all that weight back and then some is easy.
1.) Watching this crazy mess

2.) Seeing this cutie

make it to the top 12 . Interesting side note... I own that shirt. It looks better on me.
3.) Ya'll... or maybe most of ya'll know there is an 'X' list and you don't want to get on it. Well, I decided that there is now an X-2 (X squared) list and that list is doubly worse then the 'X' list. Interesting side note, I moved somebody to the X-2 list yesterday. It felt great.
4.) Being happy that somebody has a boyfriend is hard... Being happy knowing that now that somebody has a boyfriend they will gain all that weight back and then some is easy.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
My list of things that are creeping me out
1.) A commercial on the telly about chlorine in drinking water. The commercial shows a young girl (7 or 8-ish) in a bathing suit and they have super imposed her image into a glass of water. The girl has this pained look on her face and seems to be saying "Please, Please, can I get out of the water now?" It just done freaks me out, ya'll.
2.) A second commercial, this one by the ParentsEmpowered.Org (or something like that.) Anywho, in the commercial, a concerned mom calls her son on the cell phone to see how the party is going and see if there is alcohol. Nope, no alcohol, reports the son. What are you doing the mom inquires. Oh, my two friends are oiling me up with olive oil and we are going to see how far I can slide, says the son. The creepy part is that the commercial shows the two friends oiling up the kid. All in thier bathing suits, all about the age of 12. Its just plain CREEEEEEEEEPY, ya'll. Go to EmpoweredUtah.org, media tab and then commercials and the one to watch is Oiled Up. Notice the bottles of olive oil and the BUCKET of Crisco. EWWWWWWW-ey!!! Really ParentsEmpowered.org, Really? You couldn't have thought of anything else to have these kids doing besides oiling each other up? Maybe playing a nice game of Parcheesi or clue. Mayhap, they could have been playing the X-Box, or skate boarding... but you choose rubbing olive oil all over each other. Yuck and Creepy. Failure. Terrible. F.
3.) A particular picture of me from two years ago. Whoa! Not so much on the creepy... just alot on the totally Ewww-eth!
1.) A commercial on the telly about chlorine in drinking water. The commercial shows a young girl (7 or 8-ish) in a bathing suit and they have super imposed her image into a glass of water. The girl has this pained look on her face and seems to be saying "Please, Please, can I get out of the water now?" It just done freaks me out, ya'll.
2.) A second commercial, this one by the ParentsEmpowered.Org (or something like that.) Anywho, in the commercial, a concerned mom calls her son on the cell phone to see how the party is going and see if there is alcohol. Nope, no alcohol, reports the son. What are you doing the mom inquires. Oh, my two friends are oiling me up with olive oil and we are going to see how far I can slide, says the son. The creepy part is that the commercial shows the two friends oiling up the kid. All in thier bathing suits, all about the age of 12. Its just plain CREEEEEEEEEPY, ya'll. Go to EmpoweredUtah.org, media tab and then commercials and the one to watch is Oiled Up. Notice the bottles of olive oil and the BUCKET of Crisco. EWWWWWWW-ey!!! Really ParentsEmpowered.org, Really? You couldn't have thought of anything else to have these kids doing besides oiling each other up? Maybe playing a nice game of Parcheesi or clue. Mayhap, they could have been playing the X-Box, or skate boarding... but you choose rubbing olive oil all over each other. Yuck and Creepy. Failure. Terrible. F.
3.) A particular picture of me from two years ago. Whoa! Not so much on the creepy... just alot on the totally Ewww-eth!
Friday, February 13, 2009
My list of good things... Martha Stewart style
1.) Out growing a shirt. I think I finally reached a goal of out growing a shirt. I can still wear the dress shirt, but it dont fit right around the shoulders/upper arms. When I bought the shirt, it didn't wear like this. I'm happy about this... but also sad cause I like the shirt.
2.) My pseudo fearless leader. Who, even though she is "one of them", she makes an attempt to be one of us. She saw me through some not so great times and I'm happy to say, that those times are past. Thanks for putting up with me!
3.) My next door, to the right, carrel neighbor. Who makes me laugh... a lot... even when he isn't trying. And, who puts up with me stalking him... just a little bit.

4.) Maggie, the Piglet, McKey and/or Katherine. Who makes the best beard I have ever had. I don't know why we match so well, but we do... and I like it.
1.) Out growing a shirt. I think I finally reached a goal of out growing a shirt. I can still wear the dress shirt, but it dont fit right around the shoulders/upper arms. When I bought the shirt, it didn't wear like this. I'm happy about this... but also sad cause I like the shirt.
2.) My pseudo fearless leader. Who, even though she is "one of them", she makes an attempt to be one of us. She saw me through some not so great times and I'm happy to say, that those times are past. Thanks for putting up with me!
3.) My next door, to the right, carrel neighbor. Who makes me laugh... a lot... even when he isn't trying. And, who puts up with me stalking him... just a little bit.

4.) Maggie, the Piglet, McKey and/or Katherine. Who makes the best beard I have ever had. I don't know why we match so well, but we do... and I like it.
Thursday, February 12, 2009

The top 5 things wrong with this picture... faces have been changed to protect the innocent.
Lets start with her.
1.) Hair: Terrible. I don't know if she got a super bad dye job or what. But parts of it look red, blonde, dirty blonde brown and black. It could just be the awful lighting of the picture.
2.) More importantly, though, what the @$^# is up with that hair cut? That mess is bad bab BAD all the way around.
3.) Interestingly, she looks like she is leaning away from him and her hands are not so much grasping or holding him, they are more rested/draped on him. It kind of says to me that if they are married or, god forbid, this is some kind of terrible bridal shot.. that she aint to happy to be marrying this catch. But, lets be honest, she is marrying within her caste.
4.) I'm not gonna comment on the clothes, because, shooting fish in a barrel much... but really. Nice lumpy black sweater and skirt. You are portraying the prude/frump look nicely. Kudos!
Now him:
1.)Not much to say... except fix that hair. I don't know if it is spikey or just a poofy afro... either way... its a NO.
2.) And those side burns need to go. NOW!
3.) A white shirt and tie... fer rills?? Good job for being super daring in your wardrobe... even the tie is stripped and boring. Lord... this girl is looking forward to a 60 years of missionary postion on friday nights and that is it. There will be no spark there. Once again, judging by her posture, she is probably ok with touching him in the smallest capacity possible. Really, though, he is barely touching her. Its like they've both realized they have settled for the best they could possibly get. Good for them for staying in thier caste.
I am also going to comment on the stupid plant up in the corner. Seriously, what is up with that. Somebody should have removed it from the picture.
1.) My new blog header. Tis quite fantastic it is.
2.) Two of my co-workers. They make my job better.
3.) Having an inverted triangular shaped body. Its quite nice and looks good, too.
4.) Being pretty. Seriously, if you haven't tried it, give it a go. You'll love being pretty.
5.) "Woud you like crit-el gel?"
2.) Two of my co-workers. They make my job better.
3.) Having an inverted triangular shaped body. Its quite nice and looks good, too.
4.) Being pretty. Seriously, if you haven't tried it, give it a go. You'll love being pretty.
5.) "Woud you like crit-el gel?"
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
My list of "religious" beliefs
1.) I know that I don't know... and I am happy in my oblivion. Admitting to yourself, that you don't know what "it" is really all about is quite comforting.
2.) I don't believe in the christian idea of God. I believe that a human mind cannot even begin to comprehend God. My puny little mind can't even wrap itself around the idea of infinity. I could describe to you what it is, but to think about it short circuits my brain. How, then, could I even begin to comprehend and understand a being, or group of beings, that are infinity. I think God, or the Gods, are so much bigger then we can even begin to understand. I know, that I don't know, what God really is. Man created God in his own image, not the other way around.
3.) I believe in justice. I believe there is something or things out there that will dispense justice. Who/what these being are, I have no idea. But, I would live in such a state of dispair if I truly believed that there was no justice.
4.) I know that I don't know if there is an afterlife. I flip-flop on this one. A huge sense of "why?" sets in if I think that there is no sort of afterlife. To think that after I die, only my shell remains and the shell only remains for a finite period of time is very scary. To combat said dispair, I begin to think that there must be an afterlife, but the logical part of me says "No way."
5.) I don't believe in the devil, but I certainly am afraid of him.
1.) I know that I don't know... and I am happy in my oblivion. Admitting to yourself, that you don't know what "it" is really all about is quite comforting.
2.) I don't believe in the christian idea of God. I believe that a human mind cannot even begin to comprehend God. My puny little mind can't even wrap itself around the idea of infinity. I could describe to you what it is, but to think about it short circuits my brain. How, then, could I even begin to comprehend and understand a being, or group of beings, that are infinity. I think God, or the Gods, are so much bigger then we can even begin to understand. I know, that I don't know, what God really is. Man created God in his own image, not the other way around.
3.) I believe in justice. I believe there is something or things out there that will dispense justice. Who/what these being are, I have no idea. But, I would live in such a state of dispair if I truly believed that there was no justice.
4.) I know that I don't know if there is an afterlife. I flip-flop on this one. A huge sense of "why?" sets in if I think that there is no sort of afterlife. To think that after I die, only my shell remains and the shell only remains for a finite period of time is very scary. To combat said dispair, I begin to think that there must be an afterlife, but the logical part of me says "No way."
5.) I don't believe in the devil, but I certainly am afraid of him.
Friday, February 6, 2009
A list of interesting things about me.
1.) I watched the first half, of the first episode of this season of Lost last night. I was ready to hate it. Interestingly, enough, I quite liked it. Actually, I dug it. It made me excited to watch the rest of the episodes.
2.) I just joined FaceBook (at 7:48 a.m. actually), to specifically see if one person is on it. This person wasn't on it. I'm kind of disappointed. FYI, I wont be actively checking facebook, so don't send me any messages or try to be my friend. You will be ignored.
3.) Apparently, when you join FaceBook, it gives you a list of people who it thinks you should be friends with. Total random strangers I guess. Except, in my case, the very first person it told me I should be friends with is the cute boy that sits in the cubicle next to mine at work. Its a mystery. I told facebook nothing about where I work or that I might be, slightly, stalking the cute boy at work... somehow... it just knew. I am interpreting it as a sign from God/Cher.
4.) The remainder of the people who Facebook said I should be friends with mostly lived in Provo, Utah and attend BYU. WTF???
5.) I drink a lot of coffee, but I don't really like the taste of it.
1.) I watched the first half, of the first episode of this season of Lost last night. I was ready to hate it. Interestingly, enough, I quite liked it. Actually, I dug it. It made me excited to watch the rest of the episodes.
2.) I just joined FaceBook (at 7:48 a.m. actually), to specifically see if one person is on it. This person wasn't on it. I'm kind of disappointed. FYI, I wont be actively checking facebook, so don't send me any messages or try to be my friend. You will be ignored.
3.) Apparently, when you join FaceBook, it gives you a list of people who it thinks you should be friends with. Total random strangers I guess. Except, in my case, the very first person it told me I should be friends with is the cute boy that sits in the cubicle next to mine at work. Its a mystery. I told facebook nothing about where I work or that I might be, slightly, stalking the cute boy at work... somehow... it just knew. I am interpreting it as a sign from God/Cher.
4.) The remainder of the people who Facebook said I should be friends with mostly lived in Provo, Utah and attend BYU. WTF???
5.) I drink a lot of coffee, but I don't really like the taste of it.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
A list of random thoughts about other people in my life
1.) I think he is really cute. I think he knows that I think he is really cute. I have a suspicion that he thinks I'm pretty cute. I think it will never go anywhere.
2.) I think if I were dating her, we would make a cute couple.
3.) I think she has low self-esteem, but she hides it well.
4.) I miss him. He made me laugh, a lot. I miss that, a lot.
5.) Sometimes, I hate her. Sometimes, I pity her. Sometimes, I hope she gains her weight back. Most of the time I hope somebody finally sees who she really is. Sometimes, I want to witness a cage fight between her and a hungry lion... or her and a mother moose who has a baby near by.
6.) I'm happy I have both of them in my life. They make me feel complete.
7.) The way he looks at me, makes me feel sexy.
8.) I wish he could see how wonderful he actually is.
9.) He has a nice body, I wish he could see that.
10.) I love him dearly, but I wonder if he deserves better.
1.) I think he is really cute. I think he knows that I think he is really cute. I have a suspicion that he thinks I'm pretty cute. I think it will never go anywhere.
2.) I think if I were dating her, we would make a cute couple.
3.) I think she has low self-esteem, but she hides it well.
4.) I miss him. He made me laugh, a lot. I miss that, a lot.
5.) Sometimes, I hate her. Sometimes, I pity her. Sometimes, I hope she gains her weight back. Most of the time I hope somebody finally sees who she really is. Sometimes, I want to witness a cage fight between her and a hungry lion... or her and a mother moose who has a baby near by.
6.) I'm happy I have both of them in my life. They make me feel complete.
7.) The way he looks at me, makes me feel sexy.
8.) I wish he could see how wonderful he actually is.
9.) He has a nice body, I wish he could see that.
10.) I love him dearly, but I wonder if he deserves better.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
A list of random thoughts about her
1.) I miss her, a lot. Not a day goes by that I don't wish it worked out different. If I could find her, right now, and if we were both available, I'd ask her to marry me.
2.) Some of my best memories of my life are dances (both church and school) that I went to with her.
3.) Sometimes, I hate myself for the way I ended it. She deserved a lot better.
4.) Sometimes, when I think of her, I smile and laugh. Sometimes, when I think of her, I cry.
5.) She is the prettiest girl I know, both on the inside and outside.
6.) I kept, and still have, a souvenir glass from old spaghetti factory because its all I have left of her.
7.) If I ever find out she has kids, I will sob, most likely uncontrollably.
8.) I think I'm still in love with her.
9.) I've heard (thank you Sex and the City) that you only get two great loves in life. Sometimes I wonder if she was one of mine.
10.) Attending her wedding reception, and seeing how pretty she looked, standing next to a man who wasn't me and pretending to be happy about it, was the hardest thing I have ever done.
If you know her, tell her I said, 'Hi'.
1.) I miss her, a lot. Not a day goes by that I don't wish it worked out different. If I could find her, right now, and if we were both available, I'd ask her to marry me.
2.) Some of my best memories of my life are dances (both church and school) that I went to with her.
3.) Sometimes, I hate myself for the way I ended it. She deserved a lot better.
4.) Sometimes, when I think of her, I smile and laugh. Sometimes, when I think of her, I cry.
5.) She is the prettiest girl I know, both on the inside and outside.
6.) I kept, and still have, a souvenir glass from old spaghetti factory because its all I have left of her.
7.) If I ever find out she has kids, I will sob, most likely uncontrollably.
8.) I think I'm still in love with her.
9.) I've heard (thank you Sex and the City) that you only get two great loves in life. Sometimes I wonder if she was one of mine.
10.) Attending her wedding reception, and seeing how pretty she looked, standing next to a man who wasn't me and pretending to be happy about it, was the hardest thing I have ever done.
If you know her, tell her I said, 'Hi'.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
A list of things I love VS. things I hate.
1.) I love beeing stared at while I am working out at the gym. I hate being stared at in the shower at the gym. Seriously, sir, thats ewwwww-ey. Knock it off... right now!!!!!
2.) I love my new blog header. I hate being called a monster because I make one simple request. You know who you are... D'Nell!!!
3.) I love looking great. I hate ties being ruined by protien shakes. I am going to cry. The prettiest tie I own, the one I get the most compliements on, now has protein shake on it and a lovely water stain.
4.) I love trying on swimsuits. I hate trying on swimsuits in a really cold room. Ya'll know what I am talking about. And I'm not making shit up. The clerk at the store told me it was cold in there and then brought in a space heater to warm up the room. The suit, though, SUPER on the hot!!!!!
1.) I love beeing stared at while I am working out at the gym. I hate being stared at in the shower at the gym. Seriously, sir, thats ewwwww-ey. Knock it off... right now!!!!!
2.) I love my new blog header. I hate being called a monster because I make one simple request. You know who you are... D'Nell!!!
3.) I love looking great. I hate ties being ruined by protien shakes. I am going to cry. The prettiest tie I own, the one I get the most compliements on, now has protein shake on it and a lovely water stain.
4.) I love trying on swimsuits. I hate trying on swimsuits in a really cold room. Ya'll know what I am talking about. And I'm not making shit up. The clerk at the store told me it was cold in there and then brought in a space heater to warm up the room. The suit, though, SUPER on the hot!!!!!

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