Tuesday, February 17, 2009

My list of things that are creeping me out

1.) A commercial on the telly about chlorine in drinking water. The commercial shows a young girl (7 or 8-ish) in a bathing suit and they have super imposed her image into a glass of water. The girl has this pained look on her face and seems to be saying "Please, Please, can I get out of the water now?" It just done freaks me out, ya'll.

2.) A second commercial, this one by the ParentsEmpowered.Org (or something like that.) Anywho, in the commercial, a concerned mom calls her son on the cell phone to see how the party is going and see if there is alcohol. Nope, no alcohol, reports the son. What are you doing the mom inquires. Oh, my two friends are oiling me up with olive oil and we are going to see how far I can slide, says the son. The creepy part is that the commercial shows the two friends oiling up the kid. All in thier bathing suits, all about the age of 12. Its just plain CREEEEEEEEEPY, ya'll. Go to EmpoweredUtah.org, media tab and then commercials and the one to watch is Oiled Up. Notice the bottles of olive oil and the BUCKET of Crisco. EWWWWWWW-ey!!! Really ParentsEmpowered.org, Really? You couldn't have thought of anything else to have these kids doing besides oiling each other up? Maybe playing a nice game of Parcheesi or clue. Mayhap, they could have been playing the X-Box, or skate boarding... but you choose rubbing olive oil all over each other. Yuck and Creepy. Failure. Terrible. F.

3.) A particular picture of me from two years ago. Whoa! Not so much on the creepy... just alot on the totally Ewww-eth!

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