My list of things that should be known about me.
1.) When I am done with my work out and I am walking to the locker room through undressing and getting in the shower I listen to Buttons by the Pussy Cat Dolls, featuring Snoop Dog.
I listen to it because it makes me feel Uber on the sexy.2.) I really like my new catch phrase "True beauty comes from within... Its a good thing I'm so damn hot I don't have to worry about true beauty."
Shout out to Marc for helping me develop this one.3.) Generally, although not all the time, I think new born human babies are quite ugly.
Every other species on the planet has cute babies... but humans... we drew the short straw on that one.4.) I get incredibly annoyed at people who "phone it in" at the gym.
5.) I don't hate the LDS church, nor am I anti mormon. I feel as though I out grew the LDS church.
Much like a shirt or pair of pants that no longer fit my body, the teachings of the LDS church no longer fit what I know to be true. So, I left it. I don't regret leaving it.6.) Your opinion of me, weighs less then sunlight.