Friday, April 3, 2009

My list of commandments

1.) Thou shalt not take my name in vain. I do not claim to be God, but DO NOT speak for me, or say I agree or am doing something, when you have no idea if I am or not. Or if I agree or not. In fact, just don't speak on behalf of me PERIOD.

2.) Thou shalt covet my ass.

3.) Thou shalt not critique my eating... EVER.

4.) Thou shalt not whine, gnash teeth or bitch and moan when you are moved from my friends list, to being on my acquaintance list. I think most of you know that I decide when I want to be friends with you... but I also decide when I don't want to be friends with you any more. In fact, it brings me a small amount of joy to move people off my friends list and into my acquaintance list. By the by, being moved to the acquaintance list means you will most likely be deleted from my phone, i won't hang out with you on a personal level ever, but if i happen to see you out and about, I won't ignore you.

5.) Thou shalt not mock the caste system that I so firmly believe in.

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