My list of things I learned recently.
1.) His fist name is John. For all these years I thought it was Jake... nope... it was John.
2.) Susan was mentioned in the original first book. I thought she only came up later.
3.) I really like two of the idols. The rest can GO!!
4.) I enjoy Red Bicycle Merlot.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
My list of things I don't like.
1.) Feeling sick today. Its not even sick... its more just a feeling... of... not right. Blah... and I don't like it. And I have to train on it. Blah.
2.) Having a hurt ankle. My ankle hurts when I apply any pressure. I don't know what I did to it... beside got older. Its no fun.
3.) Being so far behind on Lost that I don't think I will ever catch up.
4.) That I am not Sharon Osborne's friend. She seems completely major and I love her. I watched her on the celebrity apprentice and I thought she was hilarious. Mark my words... she is gonna win. I know it.
5.) I left my Ipod home today... and I really need it.
1.) Feeling sick today. Its not even sick... its more just a feeling... of... not right. Blah... and I don't like it. And I have to train on it. Blah.
2.) Having a hurt ankle. My ankle hurts when I apply any pressure. I don't know what I did to it... beside got older. Its no fun.
3.) Being so far behind on Lost that I don't think I will ever catch up.
4.) That I am not Sharon Osborne's friend. She seems completely major and I love her. I watched her on the celebrity apprentice and I thought she was hilarious. Mark my words... she is gonna win. I know it.
5.) I left my Ipod home today... and I really need it.
Monday, March 29, 2010
My list things I like about Easter.
1.) Coloring Eggs with the family. Yes, Chick-a-dees, I'm 30-ish years old and I still color eggs with my family. And we have damn fun doing it.
2.) The Easter Egg Hunt. My mom makes a basket and hides clues and all the stuff... for all of her kids no matter the age. She used to hide the eggs out, but then my dad got all worried about salmonella and that was the end of that.
3.) Noble Garden.
4.) Tis finally spring. I always knows its spring when easter rolls around.
5.) New spring clothes.
1.) Coloring Eggs with the family. Yes, Chick-a-dees, I'm 30-ish years old and I still color eggs with my family. And we have damn fun doing it.
2.) The Easter Egg Hunt. My mom makes a basket and hides clues and all the stuff... for all of her kids no matter the age. She used to hide the eggs out, but then my dad got all worried about salmonella and that was the end of that.
3.) Noble Garden.
4.) Tis finally spring. I always knows its spring when easter rolls around.
5.) New spring clothes.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
My list of things that have made this morning BAD
1.) My raging hangover. For reals, Chick-a-dees. For some reason, I decide to drink wine last night. I start with the last glass in a bottle that I've had open in my fridge... for three weeks. So, you can imagine how that tasted. If you guessed "like ass", you guessed correctly. After polishing off that glass I think to my glorious self "Well, now I need good wine" so I go find a bottle of Red down wine cellar and begin drinking that. Three highball glasses later (classy I know... wine out of a highball) I am hammered. The best part about this tale of woe is that I was hammered while doing my ironing and watching Dancing with the Stars. Man-o-man, I know how to party. I apologize right now if anybody got a drunken call or text.
2.) Reading a friends blog (while at work), and then reading the comments on said blog. Some of the comments where in chinese lettering and I thought to myself "My friend has a chinese friend that reads and comments on her blog in chinese." I clicked the poster of the comment, to get more information about them and was taken immediately to a porno website. Great. I turned if off immediately... but... porno at work. Great... ima just awaitin' to explain this to my boss.
3.) Missing my workout due to item #1. I hate missing workouts. I really do.
4.) A new person at work. I don't s'much mind the new person... he seems nice and I'll decide if I like him later. Its the G D office banter and everybody trying to be so fruckin' funny that pisses me off. I know, let me tell some lames jokes like i'm some G D weatherman and then laugh at my own stupid ass joke to prove how funny I am to the new guy. And my current department loves its banter... oh yes they do. You should see office meetings with these people... its like an out banter the next guy competition. Uggg... and now with the new guy here... I can't handle it.
5.) Not being able to sleep last night. Mostly due to item #1.
1.) My raging hangover. For reals, Chick-a-dees. For some reason, I decide to drink wine last night. I start with the last glass in a bottle that I've had open in my fridge... for three weeks. So, you can imagine how that tasted. If you guessed "like ass", you guessed correctly. After polishing off that glass I think to my glorious self "Well, now I need good wine" so I go find a bottle of Red down wine cellar and begin drinking that. Three highball glasses later (classy I know... wine out of a highball) I am hammered. The best part about this tale of woe is that I was hammered while doing my ironing and watching Dancing with the Stars. Man-o-man, I know how to party. I apologize right now if anybody got a drunken call or text.
2.) Reading a friends blog (while at work), and then reading the comments on said blog. Some of the comments where in chinese lettering and I thought to myself "My friend has a chinese friend that reads and comments on her blog in chinese." I clicked the poster of the comment, to get more information about them and was taken immediately to a porno website. Great. I turned if off immediately... but... porno at work. Great... ima just awaitin' to explain this to my boss.
3.) Missing my workout due to item #1. I hate missing workouts. I really do.
4.) A new person at work. I don't s'much mind the new person... he seems nice and I'll decide if I like him later. Its the G D office banter and everybody trying to be so fruckin' funny that pisses me off. I know, let me tell some lames jokes like i'm some G D weatherman and then laugh at my own stupid ass joke to prove how funny I am to the new guy. And my current department loves its banter... oh yes they do. You should see office meetings with these people... its like an out banter the next guy competition. Uggg... and now with the new guy here... I can't handle it.
5.) Not being able to sleep last night. Mostly due to item #1.
Monday, March 22, 2010
Friday, March 19, 2010
Thursday, March 18, 2010
My list of interesting things you may not know about me.
1.) Purple is my favorite color. But, purple didn't become my favorite color until I had a purple car. Up until that point I didn't have a favorite color. And, even though I hated that purple car, I still love the color purple.
2.) I'm not lying, San Francisco really does feel like home to me.
3.) For a majority of my professional career, I've developed a work place crush on a person that I work with. Normally, the crush is directed at a person that normally I wouldn't look at twice.
4.) Chicken Fried Steak is a guilty pleasure of mine.
5.) There are some days where I think, very quietly, to myself "I wish I had a child, because I would be a good dad."
1.) Purple is my favorite color. But, purple didn't become my favorite color until I had a purple car. Up until that point I didn't have a favorite color. And, even though I hated that purple car, I still love the color purple.
2.) I'm not lying, San Francisco really does feel like home to me.
3.) For a majority of my professional career, I've developed a work place crush on a person that I work with. Normally, the crush is directed at a person that normally I wouldn't look at twice.
4.) Chicken Fried Steak is a guilty pleasure of mine.
5.) There are some days where I think, very quietly, to myself "I wish I had a child, because I would be a good dad."
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
My list of things I do not do.
1.) Dress for holidays. For example, today, I am NOT wearing green. Do not come over and pinch me or you will draw back a bloody stump where your hand used to be. I do not wear ties with trees or reindeer on them at christmas. I do not wear socks with hearts on them in February. I do not dress for holidays.
2.) Cardio. I do not do cardio workouts. Yes, I realize that a good bout of cardio would put Esther right in her place, but I do not do cardio.
3.) Clarissa Lassig. Enough said.
4.) Post pictures of myself, in a swim suit, on facebook. Don't get me wrong, chick-a-dees, I done be real proud of my body. And, yes, I do have some pictures of me in a skimpy little bathing suit that I wore on the cruise. Those pictures will not EVER be posted on Facebook. NEVER!!!!
5.) Take road trips. Unless I am forced to drive, I will fly my ass to the destination. Driving is, usually, not an option.
1.) Dress for holidays. For example, today, I am NOT wearing green. Do not come over and pinch me or you will draw back a bloody stump where your hand used to be. I do not wear ties with trees or reindeer on them at christmas. I do not wear socks with hearts on them in February. I do not dress for holidays.
2.) Cardio. I do not do cardio workouts. Yes, I realize that a good bout of cardio would put Esther right in her place, but I do not do cardio.
3.) Clarissa Lassig. Enough said.
4.) Post pictures of myself, in a swim suit, on facebook. Don't get me wrong, chick-a-dees, I done be real proud of my body. And, yes, I do have some pictures of me in a skimpy little bathing suit that I wore on the cruise. Those pictures will not EVER be posted on Facebook. NEVER!!!!
5.) Take road trips. Unless I am forced to drive, I will fly my ass to the destination. Driving is, usually, not an option.
Monday, March 15, 2010
My list of things I did not do this weekend vs. things I did do this weekend.
1.) Take a bath. Yes, this was item number one on last friday's list of things... and I did not do it. I really wanted to take a bath and soak and read for two hours. NOPE. What I did do this weekend was have a rather unfulfilling Jamocha shake from Arby's.
2.) I was brave and I did go. Well, this presents a conundrum. This list was supposed to be a compare and contrast from the list on Friday. This item doesn't work. Because, I went. I did it. He was fine. It all worked out. I was nervous as all hell. It was touch and go... but we both made it out O.k. Now we'll just have to see if we go again this coming weekend.
3.) I did NOT get drunk this weekend. What I did do was run Baxter to the emergency vet hospital. That was fun.
4.) I did NOT go see Avatar. I really tried to go see Avatar... but dog & hospital = ruined Saturday night.
5.) I did not catch up on Lost. I did have dinner with my family. A dinner with the weirdness of family drama kept us all on guard. But we are all doing O.k. I think. And, Sharon is crazy.
1.) Take a bath. Yes, this was item number one on last friday's list of things... and I did not do it. I really wanted to take a bath and soak and read for two hours. NOPE. What I did do this weekend was have a rather unfulfilling Jamocha shake from Arby's.
2.) I was brave and I did go. Well, this presents a conundrum. This list was supposed to be a compare and contrast from the list on Friday. This item doesn't work. Because, I went. I did it. He was fine. It all worked out. I was nervous as all hell. It was touch and go... but we both made it out O.k. Now we'll just have to see if we go again this coming weekend.
3.) I did NOT get drunk this weekend. What I did do was run Baxter to the emergency vet hospital. That was fun.
4.) I did NOT go see Avatar. I really tried to go see Avatar... but dog & hospital = ruined Saturday night.
5.) I did not catch up on Lost. I did have dinner with my family. A dinner with the weirdness of family drama kept us all on guard. But we are all doing O.k. I think. And, Sharon is crazy.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Friday, March 5, 2010
My list of things that make me go uhhhhh... .
1.) Waking up to snow. This gets a big ole WTF? I thought we were kind of done with this. I was really hoping we were done with this. I guess I was wrong. Damn it.
2.) The parking situation. We've talked about this before, readers, but we'll talk about it again. When it snows and the parking lot is COMPLETELY covered in snow, you park where you can. If, the lot is not completely covered and you can see even part of the yellow parking line, you have enough information to park correctly. If you park any other way then inside the parking spot, you park like an ASS. Stop it!!!
3.) Having a fifth day of work hell. I done hate being this busy ya'll. I really really do.
4.) And finally Joel Mchale, who went from this


Uhhh.... Hello there Joel McHale. Yes... its true... I've had a bit of a crush on you. I think you are a-dorable. But then, last night on community... Where in the hell did that body come from.... I mean really Joel... lets just talk about this


this ones for you Mike.
Seriously, chick-a-dees... Jamie Bamber, Daniel Craig, David Beckham... ya'll better watch yourselves... Joel is moving up. and just for the sake of indulgence.. check out the cute briefs he's sporting.

I even missed which of the remaining 10 horrible girls got voted off of Idol to watch this episode. Man-o-Man was it worth it.
1.) Waking up to snow. This gets a big ole WTF? I thought we were kind of done with this. I was really hoping we were done with this. I guess I was wrong. Damn it.
2.) The parking situation. We've talked about this before, readers, but we'll talk about it again. When it snows and the parking lot is COMPLETELY covered in snow, you park where you can. If, the lot is not completely covered and you can see even part of the yellow parking line, you have enough information to park correctly. If you park any other way then inside the parking spot, you park like an ASS. Stop it!!!
3.) Having a fifth day of work hell. I done hate being this busy ya'll. I really really do.
4.) And finally Joel Mchale, who went from this


Uhhh.... Hello there Joel McHale. Yes... its true... I've had a bit of a crush on you. I think you are a-dorable. But then, last night on community... Where in the hell did that body come from.... I mean really Joel... lets just talk about this



this ones for you Mike.
Seriously, chick-a-dees... Jamie Bamber, Daniel Craig, David Beckham... ya'll better watch yourselves... Joel is moving up. and just for the sake of indulgence.. check out the cute briefs he's sporting.

I even missed which of the remaining 10 horrible girls got voted off of Idol to watch this episode. Man-o-Man was it worth it.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
My list of things I am enjoying
1.) The Gunslinger by Stephen King. I've only read this book once. I've read individual parts of it multiple times, but only read the whole book (all seven volumes of it) once. I've avoided rereading the whole thing because there are things that happen in Mid-World that I don't know if I want to read again. I don't know that I can handle it. Thinking about it now causes emotions, but I do so love the book... we'll see I handle the tough stuff.
2.) Smoke and Mirrors by LifeHouse. The new CD came out today, I like it. Its been a'playin in my ear all day long. I like it.
3.) Looking up pictures of Jake, the Bachelor

Because... well... he's dreamy. Is he my type Mike? Is he? Oh... and this one is just for you Mike

Whoa... SEXY!!!!
4.) Being productive. I've been busy today kids. Sorry for the late lists lately... but I've been busy.
5.) My coffee. It really was a day for afternoon coffee...and its delish.
1.) The Gunslinger by Stephen King. I've only read this book once. I've read individual parts of it multiple times, but only read the whole book (all seven volumes of it) once. I've avoided rereading the whole thing because there are things that happen in Mid-World that I don't know if I want to read again. I don't know that I can handle it. Thinking about it now causes emotions, but I do so love the book... we'll see I handle the tough stuff.
2.) Smoke and Mirrors by LifeHouse. The new CD came out today, I like it. Its been a'playin in my ear all day long. I like it.
3.) Looking up pictures of Jake, the Bachelor

Because... well... he's dreamy. Is he my type Mike? Is he? Oh... and this one is just for you Mike

Whoa... SEXY!!!!
4.) Being productive. I've been busy today kids. Sorry for the late lists lately... but I've been busy.
5.) My coffee. It really was a day for afternoon coffee...and its delish.
Monday, March 1, 2010
My list of things that annoy me
1.) The shoes that hurt my feet. I bought them almost a year ago, and still, to this day, I cannot go a full day with out taking them off because they are to tight. It sucks. But the shoes are sooo cute.
2.) The olympics being over. I really enjoyed watching them this time. I am really sad they are over.
3.) The general feeling that my life is not in my control right now. I hate just being along for the ride.
4.) Being to affraid to play and have fun. I should just do it. Enough of asking should I do this? To hell with it... just do it.
5.) The winds are blowing. And they feel like they are blowing even earlier this year.
1.) The shoes that hurt my feet. I bought them almost a year ago, and still, to this day, I cannot go a full day with out taking them off because they are to tight. It sucks. But the shoes are sooo cute.
2.) The olympics being over. I really enjoyed watching them this time. I am really sad they are over.
3.) The general feeling that my life is not in my control right now. I hate just being along for the ride.
4.) Being to affraid to play and have fun. I should just do it. Enough of asking should I do this? To hell with it... just do it.
5.) The winds are blowing. And they feel like they are blowing even earlier this year.
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