Friday, June 11, 2010

My list of things I don't like.

1.) Looking up/ facebook stalking a man I have a crush on only to see he is a fan of The Book of Mormon. WTF!!!

2.) The fact that people can become fans of The Book of Mormon. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm all about everybody finding their own way to enlightenment. And, if how you get there is through a holy book, more power to you... but to be a fan of it... on Facebook... just seems wrong to me. You are a fan of a foot ball team... or an author... or actor... but a fan of a sacred holy document... seems weird and bad. And I don't think Jesus cares... nor appreciates.

3.) An idiot psuedo-friend that I had in high school who wrote his summer book report on The Book of Mormon. REALLY? Like The Book of Mormon is a book that needs you to write up how you felt about its prose and how in depth its character development was. Really? Sacred holy document, folks. Lets offer it some respect.  Oh and guess what, Danny, I don't think Jesus cared about your display. P.S. I'm happy to report his book report received an F.

4.) Anybody who interprets this list as anti- mormon or anti The Book of Mormon. Its not. I just happen to feel The Book of Mormon, if you believe in it, deserves more respect then to be tossed up on Facebook for people to be fans of.

5.) Waiting until July 27, 2010.

1 comment:

Jen's Hollows said...

I LOVE this post! I'm laughing now as I read it again. And I totally agree with you about being a fan of a holy document on facebook. Really? That's a correct response.