1.) Finding my way back to the list. I've missed it.
2.) Letting the emotions out. I could only hold those suckers in for so long. This was the week they all came out to play.
3.) The peace that comes from letting people see you stripped down, with no defenses, and experience your raw and unforgiving emotions. Holding nothing back and being real, authentic, open and honest. It was hard and easy at the same time. Vulnerability has never been an easy pill to swallow for me. Those close to me know I do a shit ton of stuff and spend a shit ton of energy to prevent myself from being vulnerable. There is a certain level of calm amongst the storm, when one just gives up all defenses and says "This is me. This is who I really am."
4.) Dinner with my brother and his family.
5.) Completing the entire Smurf village.
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