1.) The date with the 19 year old. WTF??? Chick-a-dees, if I ever mention that I have a date with a 19 year old, you must tell me to cancel it, no if, ands or buts. This was a joke. Start to finish joke. P.S. When you are 19, you really haven't lived enough years to have been Joe Biden's personal assistant, written and published 4 novels, been an executive at a large scale grocery chain and working on your masters degree. Do you smell that? Smells like bull shit in my car. I wonder why?
2.) Getting drunk and playing scrabble with Vickie. Damn you Cherry Vodka.
3.) Getting relationship advice from Vickie. Hearing my ex's mother say "You need a better screening process. I think you need to run these guys past me before you go out with them." was odd and wonderful at the same time.
4.) A voicemail from my mother. I think I've made it known that I don't answer the phone when my mother calls. Mostly because I don't want her to put me on the spot and trap me into doing something horrible, like a swim party or dinner with the family. If I ignore her call, she will usually leave a message about the swim party and I have enough time to make other plans before I call her back. Sharon is wise to this plan, though, and now she just leaves messages for me to call her back. I don't. Anyway, the second reason i don't answer the phone when my mother calls is because I always think "She is calling to tell me somebody died." Well, this weekend, I was correct.
5.) Hearing a most fascinating piece on "This American Life." If you aren't listening to this program, you should start. Its great.