My list of things I am thankful for
1.) The opportunity to hear my Mom and two sisters sing in the womens choir, We Also Sing. It was an honor and a privilege to listen to and see. I was moved and very proud to hear my family. The concert was absolutely wonderful.
2.) BestBuy. 90% of my Christmas gifts have come from BestBuy. Thank God for you BestBuy. For making my Christmas shopping easier.
3.) Dinners with D'Nell where points of view can be shared and minds opened. I know she'll disagree, but D'Nell is the exception, not the rule.
4.) Stephen King. Man-o-man, Mr. King can spin a fantastic tale and keep me entertained. He can build a story up, and when it all starts to go, he undoes it all with style. I LOVE being wrapped up in a Stephen King book. LOVE it.
Monday, November 30, 2009
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
My list of things I am going to enjoy tomorrow.
1.) The appetizers my uncle serves before Thanksgiving. These suckers are delicious... I'm not kidding.
2.) Sleeping in. Really ya'll... I forget how nice it is.
3.) Wrapping in up in my purple afghan (is that what its called, Kim?) and reading my book. Now that the weather has turned a bit cooler... the purple blanket is back... and I love it.
4.) My mom's sweet potato pie. Love Love LOVE my mothers sweet potato pie. Tis yummy ya'll.
5.) Stuffing. I love stuffing.
1.) The appetizers my uncle serves before Thanksgiving. These suckers are delicious... I'm not kidding.
2.) Sleeping in. Really ya'll... I forget how nice it is.
3.) Wrapping in up in my purple afghan (is that what its called, Kim?) and reading my book. Now that the weather has turned a bit cooler... the purple blanket is back... and I love it.
4.) My mom's sweet potato pie. Love Love LOVE my mothers sweet potato pie. Tis yummy ya'll.
5.) Stuffing. I love stuffing.
Monday, November 23, 2009
My list of things that must be said.
1.) Dear teens and pre-teens, if you are shopping at Hot Topic with your mother, and it appears as though you mother's entire outfit came from Hot Topic, you have a problem. This is, in fact, a huge problem and a huge embarrassment for you.
2.) Dear men in the gym locker room, if the need arises for you to remove your pants and underwear, this transaction should take the least amount of time possible. When your gentles are dangling out for the world to see, this is not the time to fix your hair, take off your socks, chat up your work out buddy, put on deodorant, remove your shirt and the list goes on. Take your bottoms off, cover up your business as fast as possible and then move on to those other activities.
3.)Dear'slounge The "Track your Baby" feature is the bane of my existence and should be turned off. I look at it 100 times a day... and I hate it.
4.) Dear idiot who makes a huge mess while making coffee, I hate you.
5.) Dear America, Taylor Swift is terrible. How is it possible that she keeps winning? And this time you voted for her to win. WTF?
1.) Dear teens and pre-teens, if you are shopping at Hot Topic with your mother, and it appears as though you mother's entire outfit came from Hot Topic, you have a problem. This is, in fact, a huge problem and a huge embarrassment for you.
2.) Dear men in the gym locker room, if the need arises for you to remove your pants and underwear, this transaction should take the least amount of time possible. When your gentles are dangling out for the world to see, this is not the time to fix your hair, take off your socks, chat up your work out buddy, put on deodorant, remove your shirt and the list goes on. Take your bottoms off, cover up your business as fast as possible and then move on to those other activities.
3.)Dear'slounge The "Track your Baby" feature is the bane of my existence and should be turned off. I look at it 100 times a day... and I hate it.
4.) Dear idiot who makes a huge mess while making coffee, I hate you.
5.) Dear America, Taylor Swift is terrible. How is it possible that she keeps winning? And this time you voted for her to win. WTF?
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
My list of things adore
1.) Flo, the lady from the Progressive insurance ads.

I love Flo and I want to be her best friend. I get excited every time I see her on T.V. She makes me giggle... mostly because she gets so excited about stuff. Don't you think she would be fun to hang out with? Well, I do... so suck it.
2.) The sack boy from Little Big Planet.

Are you kidding me? Look how adorable he is. I want one, in real life. Not just on my PS3. Somebody get me a Sackboy.
3.) Coming into work and finding the following taped to my computer.

Ahhhh... my co-workers know me so well. And I love it. Also receiving email cards from my best friends saying things like "Sorry, my self-absorption got in the way of yours." or "I hear what you're saying, I'm just to busy thinking about myself." or gifts that have fun sayings like "It's fun to be thin." all let me know that my co-workers/best friends love me despite my complete and total arrogance, shallowness and narcissistic attitude. And I love myself for all of those things too.
1.) Flo, the lady from the Progressive insurance ads.

I love Flo and I want to be her best friend. I get excited every time I see her on T.V. She makes me giggle... mostly because she gets so excited about stuff. Don't you think she would be fun to hang out with? Well, I do... so suck it.
2.) The sack boy from Little Big Planet.

Are you kidding me? Look how adorable he is. I want one, in real life. Not just on my PS3. Somebody get me a Sackboy.
3.) Coming into work and finding the following taped to my computer.

Ahhhh... my co-workers know me so well. And I love it. Also receiving email cards from my best friends saying things like "Sorry, my self-absorption got in the way of yours." or "I hear what you're saying, I'm just to busy thinking about myself." or gifts that have fun sayings like "It's fun to be thin." all let me know that my co-workers/best friends love me despite my complete and total arrogance, shallowness and narcissistic attitude. And I love myself for all of those things too.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
My list of things I need right now.
1.) Christmas list ideas for those on my "I am shopping for them" list. I try to be a good doobie and not ask what somebody wants, rather I will shop and purchase things that I think the other person would like or that reminded me of the person. Something about that shopping mentality is the true meaning of christmas to me. But, thinking of all of those ideas is damn hard and a pain in my ass.
2.) Michael to dump his other gay friends. All of them... now. Including Heather because lesbians count.
3.) More time to read. Actually, more time to read and stay awake while I do it. I think all of those years reading before I went to bed trained my mind that as soon as I open the book its time to sleep. So, reading = nap time for me now.
4.) A new car loan.
5.) For the dancers to be really good tonight... oh and for Ryan to not have so much clothes on.
1.) Christmas list ideas for those on my "I am shopping for them" list. I try to be a good doobie and not ask what somebody wants, rather I will shop and purchase things that I think the other person would like or that reminded me of the person. Something about that shopping mentality is the true meaning of christmas to me. But, thinking of all of those ideas is damn hard and a pain in my ass.
2.) Michael to dump his other gay friends. All of them... now. Including Heather because lesbians count.
3.) More time to read. Actually, more time to read and stay awake while I do it. I think all of those years reading before I went to bed trained my mind that as soon as I open the book its time to sleep. So, reading = nap time for me now.
4.) A new car loan.
5.) For the dancers to be really good tonight... oh and for Ryan to not have so much clothes on.
Monday, November 16, 2009
My list of things I am coveting... as inspired by D'Nell
1.) The new car I want. It done be sexy as hell ya'll... sexy as hell. And, I want it. I want it now. But do I want the car payment for it. No, I do not. Uggggg.
2.) Any kind of chest that is more defined then mine. For example, this one.

Hell, I just covet the whole damn body. Seriously.
3.) The job that is being held by a certain mother of all darkness. And the thing that kills me is that she doesn't appreciate what she's got. She is wasting it... all of it... and I want to do it much better then her. I'm also fairly certain, that even if Marmee decided to go ruin something some where else... that her position would not be filled. Seeing as how she has ruined that position and made it all but obsolete and not needed in its current department, why would management rehire for it.
4.) Jen and her going on a cruise in a couple weeks. I am really coveting this. I wanna go... on another one... BAD.
1.) The new car I want. It done be sexy as hell ya'll... sexy as hell. And, I want it. I want it now. But do I want the car payment for it. No, I do not. Uggggg.
2.) Any kind of chest that is more defined then mine. For example, this one.

Hell, I just covet the whole damn body. Seriously.
3.) The job that is being held by a certain mother of all darkness. And the thing that kills me is that she doesn't appreciate what she's got. She is wasting it... all of it... and I want to do it much better then her. I'm also fairly certain, that even if Marmee decided to go ruin something some where else... that her position would not be filled. Seeing as how she has ruined that position and made it all but obsolete and not needed in its current department, why would management rehire for it.
4.) Jen and her going on a cruise in a couple weeks. I am really coveting this. I wanna go... on another one... BAD.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
My list of interesting things that happened to me today.
1.) I talked to her. I don't know how I feel about the talk. I don't know what do to about it. I don't know how far to stray from the path that is me.
2.) I decided to take the advice that I used to give people at Mountain America, which was "Be involved and the rest sort it out."
3.) I was strangly invigorated when I decided to get involved.
4.) I don't know why, but I think I disappointed her.
1.) I talked to her. I don't know how I feel about the talk. I don't know what do to about it. I don't know how far to stray from the path that is me.
2.) I decided to take the advice that I used to give people at Mountain America, which was "Be involved and the rest sort it out."
3.) I was strangly invigorated when I decided to get involved.
4.) I don't know why, but I think I disappointed her.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
A list of my favorite things.
1.) The army man at the gym today.

Kiddos, I not normally all up in lust over a man in uniform... but this guy is a crazy ol' hunk of burning something. All jokes about protecting and serving aside... WHOA!!! This man is near perfection... except for one glaring, deal-breaking imperfection. Damn... he was so close. But still... nice to look at.
2.) The Hunky Santa.

Tis the season, chick-a-dees.
3.) The song Bad Romance by Lady Gaga.
I'm loving this. I'm loving this so much I was going to dedicate it to somebody. But now, it is no longer dedicated to you and including this in the list should not be misconstrued as my secret way of dedicating to you. Sorry. In fact, I'm going to dedicate this song to everybody else, but you. Actually, thats weird... so I'm not going to dedicate it anybody... the army man and the hunky santa.
4.) Under the Dome by Stephen King comes out today. One of my most favorite this, arguably my favorite thing, is to be completely wrapped up in a Stephen King novel. I can't wait to dig in to this.
1.) The army man at the gym today.

Kiddos, I not normally all up in lust over a man in uniform... but this guy is a crazy ol' hunk of burning something. All jokes about protecting and serving aside... WHOA!!! This man is near perfection... except for one glaring, deal-breaking imperfection. Damn... he was so close. But still... nice to look at.
2.) The Hunky Santa.

Tis the season, chick-a-dees.
3.) The song Bad Romance by Lady Gaga.
I'm loving this. I'm loving this so much I was going to dedicate it to somebody. But now, it is no longer dedicated to you and including this in the list should not be misconstrued as my secret way of dedicating to you. Sorry. In fact, I'm going to dedicate this song to everybody else, but you. Actually, thats weird... so I'm not going to dedicate it anybody... the army man and the hunky santa.
4.) Under the Dome by Stephen King comes out today. One of my most favorite this, arguably my favorite thing, is to be completely wrapped up in a Stephen King novel. I can't wait to dig in to this.
Friday, November 6, 2009
My list of things I am looking forward to doing this weekend
1.) Hanging out with the kids. 'Tis gonna be great, for we might shoot at zombies and then have to answer personal questions about ourselves. Super excited.
2.) Moving back into my basement.
3.) Being a better friend to Jen when she calls by actually answering the phone instead of sleeping.
4.) Finish the book The meaning of Matthew. This book done have my crying every time I open it. I love it, but its hard to read.
5.) Recoup. Thats it, plain and simple... Recoup.
1.) Hanging out with the kids. 'Tis gonna be great, for we might shoot at zombies and then have to answer personal questions about ourselves. Super excited.
2.) Moving back into my basement.
3.) Being a better friend to Jen when she calls by actually answering the phone instead of sleeping.
4.) Finish the book The meaning of Matthew. This book done have my crying every time I open it. I love it, but its hard to read.
5.) Recoup. Thats it, plain and simple... Recoup.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
My list of questions to which I need an answer
1.) Should I go talk to her or should I just let it go? Finding out 'why' wont really change anything... and yet part of me wants to know why.
2.) Why would you feel comfortable wearing that speedo? Yes, you sir, sitting there in your speedo and you 300 lbs of bulk. Really. Really??? No self consciousness at all? None? Really?
3.) I've gone on a week long vacation before and come back to my work outs. Why is my body getting its ass kicked this time around? Really, chick-a-dees, I am stiff and sore and hurting more then I have in a loooooooong time. OUCH!!!!
4.) When will the kids and I (or the three of us... or I guess its the four of us) hang out again?
5.) If he looks so good naked, why wont he send me a picture to prove it? It done be time to put up or shut up!!!
1.) Should I go talk to her or should I just let it go? Finding out 'why' wont really change anything... and yet part of me wants to know why.
2.) Why would you feel comfortable wearing that speedo? Yes, you sir, sitting there in your speedo and you 300 lbs of bulk. Really. Really??? No self consciousness at all? None? Really?
3.) I've gone on a week long vacation before and come back to my work outs. Why is my body getting its ass kicked this time around? Really, chick-a-dees, I am stiff and sore and hurting more then I have in a loooooooong time. OUCH!!!!
4.) When will the kids and I (or the three of us... or I guess its the four of us) hang out again?
5.) If he looks so good naked, why wont he send me a picture to prove it? It done be time to put up or shut up!!!
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
A list of my favorite cruise memories
1.) Honeymoon cove. Swimming on a private beach with me and only 40 other people was fantastic... and overwhelming. It was at that time that I realized what and adventure I was on. Where else can you take a sail boat across the carribean sea, snorkel and watch sea turtle grace, fish swim and hold a brittle star and a sea urchin and then sit in the water and feel the surf wash over you. It truely was a magical experience.
2.) The butterfly farm. While the rest of Saint Martin sucked, the butterfly farm was super cool. Catching a butterfly and feeding from your finger was incredible.
3.) Sitting out on the suite balcony and watching the sea go by.
4.) The night I had both Lobster and then Prime Rib for dinner. They aint joking around with the food on that ship. Some of the best food I have ever tasted in my life.
5.) The one time that Ester and I got drunk... and boy did we do it up right!!!
1.) Honeymoon cove. Swimming on a private beach with me and only 40 other people was fantastic... and overwhelming. It was at that time that I realized what and adventure I was on. Where else can you take a sail boat across the carribean sea, snorkel and watch sea turtle grace, fish swim and hold a brittle star and a sea urchin and then sit in the water and feel the surf wash over you. It truely was a magical experience.
2.) The butterfly farm. While the rest of Saint Martin sucked, the butterfly farm was super cool. Catching a butterfly and feeding from your finger was incredible.
3.) Sitting out on the suite balcony and watching the sea go by.
4.) The night I had both Lobster and then Prime Rib for dinner. They aint joking around with the food on that ship. Some of the best food I have ever tasted in my life.
5.) The one time that Ester and I got drunk... and boy did we do it up right!!!
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
My list of things I learned on my cruise.
1.) Cruising is a lot harder then you would think. Actually, hard isn't the right word. Tiring is the right word. I was TIRED on that cruise. By that last day, whoa... I was exhausted. That cruise rode me hard and done took it all... and then some.
2.) People have no respect for food. I was actually amazed...AMAZED... at the disrespect people had for food. A lot of this comes from how wasteful people were with "free" food. It was shocking.
3.) I wasn't self concious of myself in the "skimpy suit"... but I was self conscious that part of me was hanging out. I actually felt pretty good in "the suit." And hell... if those gross, fat old European men can pull it off... so can Josh.
4.) Finding yourself swimming on a private beach in the Caribbean ocean is an overwhelming experience.
5.) I am proud of how I look... but man-o-man I still have work to do.
1.) Cruising is a lot harder then you would think. Actually, hard isn't the right word. Tiring is the right word. I was TIRED on that cruise. By that last day, whoa... I was exhausted. That cruise rode me hard and done took it all... and then some.
2.) People have no respect for food. I was actually amazed...AMAZED... at the disrespect people had for food. A lot of this comes from how wasteful people were with "free" food. It was shocking.
3.) I wasn't self concious of myself in the "skimpy suit"... but I was self conscious that part of me was hanging out. I actually felt pretty good in "the suit." And hell... if those gross, fat old European men can pull it off... so can Josh.
4.) Finding yourself swimming on a private beach in the Caribbean ocean is an overwhelming experience.
5.) I am proud of how I look... but man-o-man I still have work to do.
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