1.) Flo, the lady from the Progressive insurance ads.

I love Flo and I want to be her best friend. I get excited every time I see her on T.V. She makes me giggle... mostly because she gets so excited about stuff. Don't you think she would be fun to hang out with? Well, I do... so suck it.
2.) The sack boy from Little Big Planet.

Are you kidding me? Look how adorable he is. I want one, in real life. Not just on my PS3. Somebody get me a Sackboy.
3.) Coming into work and finding the following taped to my computer.

Ahhhh... my co-workers know me so well. And I love it. Also receiving email cards from my best friends saying things like "Sorry, my self-absorption got in the way of yours." or "I hear what you're saying, I'm just to busy thinking about myself." or gifts that have fun sayings like "It's fun to be thin." all let me know that my co-workers/best friends love me despite my complete and total arrogance, shallowness and narcissistic attitude. And I love myself for all of those things too.
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