Friday, July 16, 2010

My list of fantastic early birthday presents.

1.) The birthday card I received last night. It was funny. It was catty. It was very touching and very sweet. I cherish it. When I asked about something included in the card, something that he obviously knew I liked, his response was "I knew that because I listened." Whoa. That stock just went up. Thanks... Pookie??

2.) The porn-face pic that was sent to me this morning. I know you wont believe me, person who sent the picture, but I really do think you look HOT in that picture. Totally sexy, totally masculine... totally do-able.

3.) The birthday pictures that were just sent to my phone. My wife done knows how to make me have a happy birthday. No train wreck here... just Hotness.

4.) Lunch with my four closest... and John. Thanks all of you. I love us... and I love us when we are together celebrating me.

5.) The bittersweet gift that came this morning.

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