Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Have you forgotten...
that you are also a small segment of a larger society that has asked for "special rights"?
that you also have asked the society readjust is moral standings to include what you think is right or wrong?
that you were once persecuted for what you believed to be true?
that you were beat, spat upon and tortured for what you believed to be true?
that you also searched for acceptance and found none?
that you are also called sinner, liar and of the devil?
that he said "love everybody"?
the face of your fathers?
that you also have asked the society readjust is moral standings to include what you think is right or wrong?
that you were once persecuted for what you believed to be true?
that you were beat, spat upon and tortured for what you believed to be true?
that you also searched for acceptance and found none?
that you are also called sinner, liar and of the devil?
that he said "love everybody"?
the face of your fathers?
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Things that I miss about Mountian America
1.) Clear job expectations
2.) Enough work that my plate was full/ I was overwhelmed at times.
3.) Clear and constant communication on my progress from my boss.
4.) Training.
5.) Feeling like a valued team member.
Today my mood is frustrated... and a bit sad. I need to have a talk with myself and figure out what I really want... and am I doing that. If I don't want what I've got... its time for a change.
1.) Clear job expectations
2.) Enough work that my plate was full/ I was overwhelmed at times.
3.) Clear and constant communication on my progress from my boss.
4.) Training.
5.) Feeling like a valued team member.
Today my mood is frustrated... and a bit sad. I need to have a talk with myself and figure out what I really want... and am I doing that. If I don't want what I've got... its time for a change.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
My favorite things for today, October 22nd
1.) 1/4 inch around my neck
2.) 1/2 inch around my shoulders
3.) 1/2 inch around my biceps
4.) 1/2 inch around my hips/butt
5.) 1/2 inch around my thighs
6.) 1/4 inch around my calves
7.) 7.5% body fat
8.) Adding four pounds of muscle
Thats right, it was measurement day and I had progress, BITCHES! Hells yes!! Ima getting bigger!!!
1.) 1/4 inch around my neck
2.) 1/2 inch around my shoulders
3.) 1/2 inch around my biceps
4.) 1/2 inch around my hips/butt
5.) 1/2 inch around my thighs
6.) 1/4 inch around my calves
7.) 7.5% body fat
8.) Adding four pounds of muscle
Thats right, it was measurement day and I had progress, BITCHES! Hells yes!! Ima getting bigger!!!
Monday, October 20, 2008
An open letter to certain readers
A Workers Compensation claim requires substantiation from a doctors note. No doctors note, no get out of work free card. Catch my drift?
Thursday, October 16, 2008
My favorite things for today
1.) Beautifully swollen muscles.
2.) Sticking to the life style change for one full year. Weight lost and stayed lost, work-out every day (mostly) and eat better!!!! I even made it through the mother of all darkness basically telling me that I need to quit working out because my priorities aren't in line. Really? My health and well-being should be second to work? hmmm... I hope she gains weight... I'm not bitter.
3.) Only two more Invisalign trays and then the process is over. Now on to teeth bleeching.
4.) This which was said in the locker room this morning. "It's Thursday? I've been thinking its Wednesday all day." This was said at 7:00 a.m. C'mon... Screw kids, it should be "Old people say the darnedest things."
5.) Jen... we'll probably have to stay friends for ever... she knows me too well.
1.) Beautifully swollen muscles.
2.) Sticking to the life style change for one full year. Weight lost and stayed lost, work-out every day (mostly) and eat better!!!! I even made it through the mother of all darkness basically telling me that I need to quit working out because my priorities aren't in line. Really? My health and well-being should be second to work? hmmm... I hope she gains weight... I'm not bitter.
3.) Only two more Invisalign trays and then the process is over. Now on to teeth bleeching.
4.) This which was said in the locker room this morning. "It's Thursday? I've been thinking its Wednesday all day." This was said at 7:00 a.m. C'mon... Screw kids, it should be "Old people say the darnedest things."
5.) Jen... we'll probably have to stay friends for ever... she knows me too well.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
My inspiration for working out left the gym early today. Le sigh!!! I'm also a bit discouraged because I know that measurement day is a-comin' and I'll have another day with no progress. I've been eating differently and working out harder (if thats possible) and I really will be upset if there is no progress. I think I can look at my body and see growth and see progress, but for some reason the pecs, biceps, thighs, shoulders and calves all get shy when the measuring tape comes out. Begs the question, do I only do this for aesthetics? Mostly, yes. I wanna look better then everybody else in the room. Regardless, though, I'll keep going and killing myself every morning with the hope that I might get bigger.
Thursday, October 2, 2008

Upcoming events that I am excited about (in no particular order):
2.) Witches, Archibalds, Nativities, Gardner Village and doing all of that with one of my best friends, Jen. YAY!!!
3.) Thriller. Seriously, Bitches, You need to be gettin' tickets!!!!
4.) Coming home and finding my underwear shipments from Calvin Klien and Emporio Armani loving placed on my front porch.

Blogs are like Sharks
So, I'm reading in a book and it says:
Blogs are like Sharks
Blogs are like Sharks
- A shark must keep moving or die
- A blog must be regularly updated or it too will die
So, I think this/my blog is on its last legs. The key, I guess, is to be consistent. Hmmm... Consistency makes my brain feel ouchy.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
C'mon Tyra... lets get it together.
A list of questions... mostly for Tyra Banks.
1.) If the show is called America's Next Top Model, why are the opening credits a video montage of Tyra Banks on a modeling shoot? I get it Tyra, its your show... but shouldn't you try to feature the girls a little bit more... especially since the show should be about them. F'real... stop focusing on yourself so much.... Nobody likes an arrogant, concieted, egotistical, self-centered.... oh wait... nevermind.
2.) WTF was that weird sleeping beauty/Tyra gets poisoned/ slash beauty queen make-over scene? And the golden fairy... uh... those are only supposed to appear in Studio54. Serisously, I did not know what in the hell I was watching. And, mostly I was just scared. But there have been a number of weird "Tyra, Jay and Jay try to act scenes" this season... like robot/femmebot Tyra. Seriously, Tyra... what the hell is up?
3.) The following question is for Hanna (from America's Next Top Model): Do you enjoy being a hot mess? Correction... Do you enjoy being a hot tranny mess? Correction... Do you enjoy being an even bigger hot tranny mess then Isis who actually is a tranny? P.S. Hanna... stop being so proud of your "make-over". Bascially, they just gave you a mushroom cut with bangs... and... it kind of makes you look like Carlie High... not an improvement.
*The song of the day is Haning on the Phone by Blondie... thats right Blondie, be-otchs. If you aren't listening to this song, stop listening to what you currently have on your Ipod and listen to Haning on the Phone.
1.) If the show is called America's Next Top Model, why are the opening credits a video montage of Tyra Banks on a modeling shoot? I get it Tyra, its your show... but shouldn't you try to feature the girls a little bit more... especially since the show should be about them. F'real... stop focusing on yourself so much.... Nobody likes an arrogant, concieted, egotistical, self-centered.... oh wait... nevermind.
2.) WTF was that weird sleeping beauty/Tyra gets poisoned/ slash beauty queen make-over scene? And the golden fairy... uh... those are only supposed to appear in Studio54. Serisously, I did not know what in the hell I was watching. And, mostly I was just scared. But there have been a number of weird "Tyra, Jay and Jay try to act scenes" this season... like robot/femmebot Tyra. Seriously, Tyra... what the hell is up?
3.) The following question is for Hanna (from America's Next Top Model): Do you enjoy being a hot mess? Correction... Do you enjoy being a hot tranny mess? Correction... Do you enjoy being an even bigger hot tranny mess then Isis who actually is a tranny? P.S. Hanna... stop being so proud of your "make-over". Bascially, they just gave you a mushroom cut with bangs... and... it kind of makes you look like Carlie High... not an improvement.
*The song of the day is Haning on the Phone by Blondie... thats right Blondie, be-otchs. If you aren't listening to this song, stop listening to what you currently have on your Ipod and listen to Haning on the Phone.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Captain Tripps
So, I went home sick from work yesterday. Really, I was sick. Sore throat, coughing, a bit of an upset stomach, my joints hurt, I couldn't get warm, I couldn't cool down and the list goes on and on. So, I go home sick. But, it was also Wednesday which means it was also comic book day. A conundrum is presented. I am home sick, but my comics came out. What to do? What to do? I went to get them. The interesting/scary thing was the comic that I picked up was the first comic in a series based upon The Stand by Stephen King. Can anybody tell me why I would be a bit freaked out? F'real, y'all. Think about it and get back to me.
My favorite things for today, September 10 (Sorry about the late delivery on this one. I was home sick yesterday).
1.) My list from yesterday September 9th. Man, I am funny.
2.) My "Funny... I don't recall asking for your opinion" magnet which is hanging in my cubicle.
My favorite things about my original 'A' list friend... the one, the only... Marc.
1.) The fact that he keeps me company on my morning drives. I can call him at 7:30 a.m. when I am leaving my work out and that boy answers and keeps me company until I am at work.
2.) Marc makes me laugh my ass off. When can be joking about Brendad Ickson for the 1000th time ("Watch me mount") or joking about a would be gymnast who just broke her neck on that "dismount", Marc will have me in stiches and I love it.
3.) The fact that no matter what, Marc loves hearing me talk about how fabulous I am. Because Marc knows he is just as fabulous.
I love ya Marc. Thanks for keeping me laughing for the past couple years. Todays list is dedicated to you!!!!!
1.) My list from yesterday September 9th. Man, I am funny.
2.) My "Funny... I don't recall asking for your opinion" magnet which is hanging in my cubicle.
My favorite things about my original 'A' list friend... the one, the only... Marc.
1.) The fact that he keeps me company on my morning drives. I can call him at 7:30 a.m. when I am leaving my work out and that boy answers and keeps me company until I am at work.
2.) Marc makes me laugh my ass off. When can be joking about Brendad Ickson for the 1000th time ("Watch me mount") or joking about a would be gymnast who just broke her neck on that "dismount", Marc will have me in stiches and I love it.
3.) The fact that no matter what, Marc loves hearing me talk about how fabulous I am. Because Marc knows he is just as fabulous.
I love ya Marc. Thanks for keeping me laughing for the past couple years. Todays list is dedicated to you!!!!!
Things I have been asked to leave off future lists:
1.) Items dealing with how great I am. For example, listing when I look really good (today, for example) or listing parts of my body that look really good (my pecs in this shirt or my hair today) or how funny I am (which I am). Rest assured, kindly readers, if I talk about me and how great I am (because I LOVE me), please don't think that I think I am better then you. I don't think that at all.
2.) Listing items dealing with the gym/locker room. I don't understand this at all. All of my gym/locker room stories are applicable because they allow me an avenue to discuss:a.) How great I am/lookb.) Funny stories which I relate hi-lariously.Granted, gym/locker room stories are becoming more prevalent on the list, but its my list. Deal wit' it, bitches!!!
3.) Inside jokes/stories. I realize that some list items are sometimes a bit inside. But, I do try to have inside stories that pertain to each one of my 'A' listers. If you don't like it, let me know and I will happily move you to the 'X' list.
1.) Items dealing with how great I am. For example, listing when I look really good (today, for example) or listing parts of my body that look really good (my pecs in this shirt or my hair today) or how funny I am (which I am). Rest assured, kindly readers, if I talk about me and how great I am (because I LOVE me), please don't think that I think I am better then you. I don't think that at all.
2.) Listing items dealing with the gym/locker room. I don't understand this at all. All of my gym/locker room stories are applicable because they allow me an avenue to discuss:a.) How great I am/lookb.) Funny stories which I relate hi-lariously.Granted, gym/locker room stories are becoming more prevalent on the list, but its my list. Deal wit' it, bitches!!!
3.) Inside jokes/stories. I realize that some list items are sometimes a bit inside. But, I do try to have inside stories that pertain to each one of my 'A' listers. If you don't like it, let me know and I will happily move you to the 'X' list.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Set 'ICK' factor to... NASTY!!!
Listen here, old man, maybe if you were 40 years younger and somehow less disgusting you might have a chance. But, as it is, I am so far out of your league you don't even know what hit you. Close your mouth and stop drooling!!!!!
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
So, it was my second day at my job and I discovered two things.
1.) I hate learning things. I haven't had to learn things for 10 years. One is always learning, I guess, but you have a base set of knowledge upon which you are building. At the new job I don't have that... and it sucks... BAD. Mostly, I am just confused and my brain feels ouchy. I don't like learning. I just want to know it all already. I should tell myself that it is O.k. to feel like a beginner again... but WTF!!!! I want to feel competent... now!!!
2.) Oh lord, watch out, I have to come out at work. I haven't had to do that for 8 years. Really, I haven't "come out" in about that long. I just assume that everybody knows... or everybody with a head can figure it out. I mean, c'mon people, lets just get with it. For some reason, I am kind of nervous about the whole coming out process. I don't know why I think coming out must be like the picture below... and not some normal process... but I am scared. On the plus side, the U considers homosexuals a protected class... so, you have to like me now, bitches!
1.) I hate learning things. I haven't had to learn things for 10 years. One is always learning, I guess, but you have a base set of knowledge upon which you are building. At the new job I don't have that... and it sucks... BAD. Mostly, I am just confused and my brain feels ouchy. I don't like learning. I just want to know it all already. I should tell myself that it is O.k. to feel like a beginner again... but WTF!!!! I want to feel competent... now!!!
2.) Oh lord, watch out, I have to come out at work. I haven't had to do that for 8 years. Really, I haven't "come out" in about that long. I just assume that everybody knows... or everybody with a head can figure it out. I mean, c'mon people, lets just get with it. For some reason, I am kind of nervous about the whole coming out process. I don't know why I think coming out must be like the picture below... and not some normal process... but I am scared. On the plus side, the U considers homosexuals a protected class... so, you have to like me now, bitches!
Monday, August 4, 2008
New Job
I started my new job today. After almost 8 years I decided it was time to refer Mountain America to rule #6. I also started in a whole new industry. The previous 10 years of my life found me in finances, but this new chapter in my life finds me in health care. More specifically, I am a training generalist at the University (of Utah) hospital. WTF are you thinking? Me too. But not to worry... all is well and the first day went great! The thought of leaving Mountain America after 8 years was almost paralyzing... but interestingly enough (this parts for you D'Nell, so pay attention) I have had it reaffirmed to me and my soul that I made the right decision. Something out there keeps telling me that I am on the right path and new and exciting adventures are a'comin my way. Just goes to show, sometimes when you pray, something/body out there heres and they some times tell you that you are exactly in the right place.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
My favorite things for today, July 30, 2008
1.) 3 more days at my current job
2.) Victoria "Posh Spice" Beckham
3.) My gnome collection that greats me everyday when I get to work. (Harvey, The baby, Murray, Bob, Charlie, Alvin = Byron, Baby Wheyabolic Extreme (she goes by Whey) Mickey and Zula Ash... oh how I will miss you all)
4.) The gun show!!!
2.) Victoria "Posh Spice" Beckham
3.) My gnome collection that greats me everyday when I get to work. (Harvey, The baby, Murray, Bob, Charlie, Alvin = Byron, Baby Wheyabolic Extreme (she goes by Whey) Mickey and Zula Ash... oh how I will miss you all)
4.) The gun show!!!
My least favorite things for today, July 30, 2008
1.) Not being in San Francisco
2.) Feeling un-needed at work
3.) Judge Joe Brown
4.) Nanovapr (Fruit Punch Flavor)
2.) Feeling un-needed at work
3.) Judge Joe Brown
4.) Nanovapr (Fruit Punch Flavor)
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