1.) This is War by 30 Seconds to Mars. Why have I not heard of this group before? The new album just came out and I am quite enjoying it. Plus... Hello Mr. Lead Singer and Actor Jared Leto


How are you today? You may or may not know, Jared, that I recently divorced my ex-wife and I'm heart broken. But, as Mom always says, "The best way to get over somebody is to get under somebody." Would you care to help me out? Please?
2.) 7-11 coffee.

I'm not kidding. I can't get enough of it. And you know what the best thing to do with a monkey on your back is... FEED IT.
3.) Searching for pictures of Jared Leto on Google Images. I'm not going to lie... I'm enjoying looking at him right now. Michael, does he fit my profile of men that are "my type"? Lets just face it... the man can take a pretty picture.
4.) Thinking about the Cha Cha from "So You Think You Can Dance" last night? Now, we all know that I love me some Ryan Dilello... but for reals... If you didn't see this Cha Cha you missed out. This thing was HOT. Whoa... and he danced it so utterly masculine that it made it even hotter. Whoa.
5.) Taking my time this morning. I have to stay at work late tonight, so I've been able to have a slower morning, drink my coffee (feed the monkey) and get the list out on time. Its been a good morning.
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