1.) Tacky-ass Christmas decorations. Mostly those that I see around the office. For example

But some people have real bits of ugly that they choose to display in their home. My question is, on what fruckin' planet is it 'O.k.' to display, and be proud of this garbage? Why is that ok? Seriously, look at the shit you have draped all over your house and tell me, tell me I beg you, that you think its pretty.
2.) The general feeling of mirth and merriment that is in the air. Listen here, I like my piss poor attitude... I quite enjoy it. I don't need you telling me to cheer on up. Oh and by the by, there is a specific reason why I don't like Christmas. If you thought long enough about it, instead of just calling me a scrooge (thinking I give a shit) you might actually ask. And you might actually learn something about me.
3.) Christmas cards. Don't send them... I don't care. And while we are at it, don't send me an "update" on your family. If I cared enough (or at all) I would ask about them. Sending me an unsolicited update on who gives a shit about what your family is doing is just going to make me even more disinterested in them. STOP IT.
4.) White elephant parties. These little gems of horrible seem to dominate this season. Guess what, I don't want your crap. I don't! I'm just going to throw it away. Why don't you do us both a favor and just throw it away yourself? Sidebar: This was not directed you at you, Mike.
5.) Any kind of Christmas activity where I am "strongly encouraged" to participate, but also forced to pay my own way.
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