1.) To not have to study for two tests (count 'em... one... and... two) and write a book report. "Are you back in high school?" you ask. No, chick-a-dees, this is all for work. And I hate it. I'm never good at studying for tests... I seem to always study the wrong stuff. And I really don't want to write a two page book report. That would actually mean reading the book. Yuck!!
2.) To not be getting sick. Throat on fire? Check. Achy body? Check. Sinus pressure? Check? General loopy-ness? Check. Dammit all, I think I'm getting sick.
3.) For Big Jim Rennie to get Big Jim humiliated... and then arrested. He'll probably die of a heart attach though and be spared of the justice he so richly deserves.
4.) To give Heather and Careen a really good reading Thursday. I home item #2 doesn't impact my ability to do that.

I'm in love with this. I really and truly am.
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