1.) Arm pits. Arm pits arm pits arm pits... If done correctly watch the hell out, girls. I don't know if it is because they are manly or what but an arm pit with the "right" look and the right amount of arm pit hair... girl, i'm finished. Prime example, Sherlock Holmes being handcuffed to the bed. Those be some damn sexy arm pits. Or...

Kind of hard to see... but for reals, Chick-a-Dees... for REALS. And this poster in the movie theater makes me have real bad thoughts. Can't wait to see the movie as I am sure it is going to a sexy pit fest.
2.) When a person (that I already find at least cute) stretches or moves in such a way that their shirt pulls up and you get to see a little bit of skin. For example
Normally, their belly. It is almost like its forbidden and I've just caught a glimpse. Nelly, I done like that. Seems kind of voyeuristic to me... but I don't care. I enjoy.
3.) Guys that are dressed up nice, shirt and tie at least) driving motor cycles. They already have to have somewhat of a cuteness factor, which is almost a snap judgement because I see these men while they are driving... and so am I. But, if it looks like they have a bit of a body underneath those close... or a face... girls... I might just follow.
4.) Being nice to me. Men become instantly more attractive when they are nice to me... sort of. There is a limit... actually, being nice to me will put you on my radar... and then that begins the rumblings and stirring.
5.) Two words... Short and Stocky. Lest you all think I only go for hunky, built, tall pretty boys with square chins... for example

who I noticed on The Biggest Loser last night (Hello, Curtis Stone... how are you today?). But what will catch my eye is short and stocky... don't know what it is but I do like the short and stocky.
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