1.) Birthday dinner at The Stinking Rose. Not kidding, ya'll... this place is the greatest. If you choose to come to San Francisco with me, we will be going to The Stinking Rose for dinner.
2.) The Sims 3. I'll admit, I do love The Sims franchise. If you are a gamer at all, check out The Sims.
3.) The fact that I was able to salvage some of the "I hate Michele beard". I done almost shaved off the whole I still hate Michele beard. That would have been drastic, ya'll... DRASTIC. Don't worry, though, I still have part of it.
5.) Mike's trip to London. Mike is going on a trip to London and other nefarious parts of England. I am excited for him and think he is going to have a gay... errr... grand ole' time.

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