1.) Staying up way to late to watch Weeds. Two things on this... number one... Weeds used to be aired at 10. This season it is aired at 11. This is absolutely no bueno. When I start getting tired at 9 and I know I have to stay up for two more hours... whoa!!! Chick-a-dees... it just aint grand. Secondly, i'm pretty disturbed by this season. We'll see where it goes.
2.) The showers... correction... the lack of showers at the gym. There is no hot water available at the gym until NEXT MONDAY (WTF)... no hot water equal no shower. I just love washing my self in a bathroom sink. Its fantastic.
3.) Knowing that a fairly busy and probably shitty four weeks starts today. Lord help me.
4.) Being stiff stiff stiff all over. It just done hurt, ya'll.
5.) The fact that I don't look like this.

I know, I know, I should stop comparing myself to others... but its hard some days and today is one of those days.
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