Friday, February 6, 2009

A list of interesting things about me.

1.) I watched the first half, of the first episode of this season of Lost last night. I was ready to hate it. Interestingly, enough, I quite liked it. Actually, I dug it. It made me excited to watch the rest of the episodes.

2.) I just joined FaceBook (at 7:48 a.m. actually), to specifically see if one person is on it. This person wasn't on it. I'm kind of disappointed. FYI, I wont be actively checking facebook, so don't send me any messages or try to be my friend. You will be ignored.

3.) Apparently, when you join FaceBook, it gives you a list of people who it thinks you should be friends with. Total random strangers I guess. Except, in my case, the very first person it told me I should be friends with is the cute boy that sits in the cubicle next to mine at work. Its a mystery. I told facebook nothing about where I work or that I might be, slightly, stalking the cute boy at work... somehow... it just knew. I am interpreting it as a sign from God/Cher.

4.) The remainder of the people who Facebook said I should be friends with mostly lived in Provo, Utah and attend BYU. WTF???

5.) I drink a lot of coffee, but I don't really like the taste of it.

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